Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3114 Bo Shao was critically attacked, doesn't he just have a girlfriend?

Chapter 3114 Bo Shao was critically attacked, doesn't he just have a girlfriend?

"Wait a minute." He got up and went to the cabinet to search for He Wang's file bag, and quickly found He Wang's file bag from a pile of files.

Bo Jingxing took out the brown paper bag, walked over, and handed the file bag to Qiao Nian: "This is it."

Qiao Nian reached out to take it, opened the white thread wrapped around the document bag, and pulled out the documents inside.

As Bo Jingxing said, He Wang was nothing special after entering the Ninth Institute. He organized and participated in several experiments, but all ended in failure.

He is more interested in what is on paper, and has achieved modest success in writing dissertations, which have also been published in world-class journals.

Qiao Nian pulled out his paper published in the World Physics Journal, and only glanced at it lightly, frowning just looking at the direction of the title.

"Light speed limit and quantum superposition state?"

He Wang talked eloquently in this paper, citing various literatures of great physics gods, and talking in the paper.

After a cursory look, she found that these theories of He Wang looked bluffing on the surface, but in fact the possibility of realizing it was extremely low, so low that it was almost negligible!
Just reading this paper, she understood why Bao Jingxing said that it was impossible for the Nine Institutes to devote resources to He Wang's research.

Because He Wang's research didn't mention whether it was worthwhile, it was impractical in the first place.

Bao Jingxing saw that she was flipping through He Wang's information with a serious expression, and touched her earlobe. He didn't dare to disturb her, so he walked to the side of the sofa, and said softly to the lazy and expensive man, "Why did Miss Qiao suddenly mention to He Wang? Interested?"

"I'm also very interested in him." Ye Wangchuan said unexpectedly.

Bao Jingxing immediately turned his head to look at him: "You doubt He Wang?"

Ye Wangchuan bent down and put the tea back, noncommittal: "Huh?"

"Him? Impossible!"

Bao Jingxing still didn't think that He Wang was suspicious, and he frowned, and said, "He came over and told me that Li Lei took people to see the residue cleaned up by the master's laboratory. This is also an expression of concern for the Ninth Institute... What's wrong with his behavior? Hey, I think it's okay, it's quite normal. After all, he doesn't know that we have eyeliner, and he already knew what happened in the morning."

Ye Wangchuan didn't answer him directly, but looked far away and landed on the girl: "I believe in God Qiao's sixth sense."

Bao Jing moved his lips and almost lost his expression.

... Show affection, right?

He laughed back angrily, somewhat understanding what Qin Si often complained to him.

He is standing there like a peerless villain at the moment, obviously he is just an ordinary single dog, someone with his condition would even be envied as a diamond bachelor...

But at this moment, he received [-] critical hits because he was single!

Isn't it just having a girlfriend?
Bao Jingxing said "haha" twice, and closed his mouth out of self-indulgence, too lazy to ask him why he doubted He Wang...

Not long after He Wang left Bo Jingxing's office, he ran into Li Lei head-on.

Seeing him, Li Lei greeted him enthusiastically: "Where did you go just now? I was looking for you."

As he spoke, he glanced in the direction He Wang was walking towards, but he didn't have time to think about it.

He Wang stood in front of him, and suddenly said, "Do you need something from me?"

Sure enough, Li Lei didn't look inside, scratched his head, hesitated for a long time and said: "It's nothing serious... Like this, Yu Wenhao said that Master Cheng asked us to help clean up the laboratory, and Jiang Tianzhi is also here... I don't want to be gossiped, so I want to call You go with me."

(End of this chapter)

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