Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3119 Sister Nian and Master Wang cooperate to find out the inner ghost

Chapter 3119 Sister Nian and Master Wang cooperate to find out the inner ghost

At this time, Yu Wenhao and others also surrounded him when they heard the movement at the door.

When Yu Wenhao saw the girl in the crowd, his pupils trembled, showing a surprised and fearful expression: "Joe, Qiao Nian."

"You know her?" Li Lei turned around.

Yu Wenhao calmed down a little, and looked at the person blocking the door with complicated eyes: "I went to find her with the teacher, she is the teacher's... friend."

He didn't know if his position was right.

Master Cheng and the girl in front of him are indeed both teachers and friends, and they are a little more friends, everyone's status is very equal.

Even Yu Wenhao said that, but everyone in the laboratory looked at Qiao Nian's too young and beautiful face, and was speechless.

Really... such a young friend? !
They were wondering about this, Master Cheng and Ye Fanchuan arrived later.

He Wang was able to maintain his composure at first, but when he saw Master Cheng appearing, his eyes still wandered, and he panicked for a moment.

This moment was keenly captured by the girl.

She pursed her lips, moved sideways to let Master Cheng come over, and said coldly: "Your site, please check if you have lost anything."

"it is good."

Master Cheng was also unambiguous, and went straight in and walked in the direction of the computer.

Yu Wenhao saw that Master Cheng and Ye Wangchuan had come, followed the steps of his teacher, and asked all the way: "Teacher, what happened?"

"Let me see if I have lost anything in my computer." Master Cheng said unhurriedly.

Yu Wenhao stopped walking: "Throw something?"

Seeing the serious face of the master, he followed and said, "Impossible, right? We are all busy sorting out materials in the laboratory, and no one touches the computer."

Master Cheng ignored him, and was already sitting on a chair and leaning over to turn on the computer.

Yu Wenhao stood aside, at a loss, and didn't know whether he should step forward to help.

At the same time, he finally turned his head around and realized that Master Cheng's sudden return to check the computer might be someone's idea.

He immediately turned to look in the direction of the girl.

Yu Wenhao felt a little uncomfortable. He turned his head and suppressed the grievance of being suspected. He lowered his voice and said to the old man in Tsing Yi: "Teacher, it is impossible for someone to steal things here. Everyone is from the Ninth Institute. How could such a thing be done?" ..."

Yu Wenhao knew that Qiao Nian knew those big shots in Independent Continent, so he should be a very capable person, otherwise he wouldn't be valued by his teacher.

But he was still very angry at the girl's behavior of 'stimulating dissension' in the Nine Institutes!
In his opinion.

Whether it's Li Lei or Jiang Tianzhi, these people are all from the Nine Institutes.

How could there be thieves inside the Nine Institutes?
He hasn't finished yet.

Master Cheng has called up the encrypted files in the F drive, and clicked on the setting that he left on purpose to check whether the data has been copied.

Sure enough, I saw that the number of copies displayed above was 1.

In other words.

Someone copied this document.

He has dedicated his whole life to Jiusuo, and he can't tolerate the fact that Jiusuo's ghosts are more than anyone else.

Cheng Dashi's face darkened, he immediately walked up to Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan, and said, "Someone has touched my computer."

"En." Ye Wangchuan was not surprised, and gave Bao Jingxing a look: "Go and check the surveillance."


Bo Jingxing had long understood what inspection and monitoring were for, so he walked towards the place where the monitoring was installed in the laboratory without saying a word.

At this time, He Wang's palms were already drenched with sticky cold sweat, and the cold sweat drenched his skin. He only felt his whole body was lacking in coolness, so he had no choice but to force himself to calm down...

(End of this chapter)

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