Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3129 Sister Nian sees through Lu Zhi's handwriting at a glance

Chapter 3129 Sister Nian sees through Lu Zhi's handwriting at a glance

Seeing that she was about to leave, Ye Wangchuan stopped: "Aren't you going to stay for a while?"

Qiao Nian tilted her head, "Aren't you going to eat at noon?"

Ye Wangchuan hit his forehead: "Sorry, I almost forgot that we had a lunch appointment with Uncle Jiang at noon."

"En." Qiao Nian didn't say anything, just looked at the time and reminded him: "It's almost twelve o'clock, we should go there."

Ye Wangchuan said goodbye to Master Cheng: "Then Master Cheng, I won't accompany you in."

Master Cheng looked at the two of them with a smile on his face, and waved his hands warmly in the spring breeze to urge them: "Go, go, I will go back by myself and take care of you."

Ye Wangchuan went in first to get the car keys and mobile phone, saw that there was still a missed call from Jiang Zongjin 10 minutes ago, walked out quickly, and said to the girl, "Let's go."


Ye Wangchuan drove the car over first, and on the way to the parking lot, he hurriedly called his future father-in-law back, briefly explained the situation, and then said that he would rush over immediately, and asked them to wait another 10 minutes.

Jiang Zongjin had a good relationship with him, but he was not angry because he was late, he just told him to drive slowly on the road and pay attention to safety, other things were not important.

Ye Wangchuan hung up the phone with a warm heart, took off the Bluetooth headset of Cochlear, parked the car on the side of the road, rolled down the window and said to the girl waiting on the side of the road: "Nian Nian, get in the car."

Qiao Nian opened the co-pilot's door and sat up, fastened her seat belt, and closed the door smoothly.

"Let's go." The man's voice was low and sweet.


As soon as she sat down, her phone buzzed and vibrated.

Qiao Nian took out her mobile phone, glanced down, and saw that Bao Jingxing had sent the email to herself.

She half-closed her eyes, and it didn't take long to retrieve the registered IP address of this mailbox. It was indeed outside the country, but it was not in an illegal area, but in M ​​state.

"Oh, it's interesting." Qiao Nian couldn't help laughing softly as he looked at the address he found on his phone.

Ye Wangchuan was concentrating on driving, and didn't notice that she was playing with her mobile phone all the way until she spoke suddenly, so he took time to look at her: "What's wrong?"

"I found something that surprised me."

There happened to be a traffic light in front of them. They happened to run into a red light, and the car stopped slowly. Qiao Nian handed him the phone to read.

"He Wang confessed that he also copied a copy of the data on Master Cheng's computer and sent it to this mailbox. I checked the registration address of this mailbox, and it is in M ​​State."

The red light at this intersection is only 20 seconds.

In a blink of an eye the green light came on.

The car behind frantically honked its horn to urge them to hurry up.

Ye Wangchuan stepped on the accelerator, and the car passed through the intersection. With his hands on the steering wheel, he could not see any emotional fluctuations, as if he was not angry at the sound of the horn just now.

"You don't think it's Lu Zhi?"

"No, this address doesn't mean anything." Qiao Nian took back the phone with deep eyes: "If this email was registered in an illegal area, I might suspect that he was framed. But it happened that M Zhou, very cleverly written by Lu Zhi."

Lu Zhi is a smart man.

He is not only a smart man but also a top businessman. What a businessman is best at is to maximize his own interests and confuse his opponents.

In these aspects, Lu Zhi has always been a leader.

Qiao Nian knew him well, and knew that from the early days of Tianchen's establishment to the present, many old foxes who had spent their entire lives in the mall couldn't beat him.

Being played around by him, he didn't even know who his opponent was when he was annexed in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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