Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3136 Sister Nian found Lu Zhi here

Chapter 3136 Sister Nian found Lu Zhi here

"It's nothing." Qiao Nian was very irritable, her brows were furrowed, mainly because she was still not sure where Lu Zhi had gone.

Ye Wangchuan leaned over and stroked her forehead, tested the temperature of her forehead.

Seeing that her body temperature was normal and she didn't have a fever, but her complexion was extremely bad, she lowered her eyes and said in a gentle voice, "Are you all right?"

"..." The coolness of his fingertips covered his forehead, but it was like a prairie fire, burning Qiao Nian's chest even hotter.

Qiao Nian avoided his hand: "It's okay."

Ye Wangchuan put down his hands, squinted his deep eyes, always felt that there was something in her heart that he didn't tell him.

Qiao Nian didn't wait for him to ask, and said first: "By the way, I'm going out alone, you can go back later by yourself."

Ye Wangchuan's shirt at the neckline is neat and straight, and the buttons are sandalwood grain, elegant and elegant. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do you want me to see you?"

Qiao Nian's mind is now full of Lu Zhi's affairs, so she shook her head absent-mindedly: "No, I'll take a taxi myself."

Ye Wangchuan looked at her deeply again: "Alright then."


Qiao Nian left as soon as he said he wanted to. After agreeing with him, he went to say hello to Mr. Jiang and the others.

Although Old Master Jiang and Jiang Zongjin were surprised that she didn't go with Ye Wangchuan, they heard Qiao Nian say that they had to do things alone.

They didn't ask any more questions, they just looked in Ye Wangchuan's direction, turned to tell the girl to be safe, and then watched the girl leave.

Jiang Li put the gift box on the other side and came back to change the car keys, seeing that Qiao Nian was no longer here.

While handing the car keys to the man, he looked around and asked, "Where did Niannian go? Why didn't I see her?"

Ye Wangchuan took the car keys from him, and was holding a cell phone in his other hand to make a call, but Bao Jingxing didn't answer it yet.

He took time out of his busy schedule to answer Jiang Li: "I said I left beforehand."

Not to mention Mr. Jiang and the others, Jiang Li was very surprised: "She's not with you?"

Ye Wangchuan didn't reply to him.

Just at this time, the person on the other end of the phone answered the call.

Ye Wangchuan spoke concisely and said softly: "Where is Master Cheng?"

After half an hour.

A taxi stopped outside No. 38 Binjiang Road, and a girl in a peaked cap and sweater paid and got out of the car.

After she got out of the car, she walked straight towards a coffee shop on the side of the road.

Because she has a strong aura around her, she looks extremely eye-catching.

Many people noticed her.

Qiao Nian didn't care.

She went straight to a table, took off her peaked cap and threw it on the table, dragged a chair and sat down, her sitting posture was bold, her pupils were dark, and her face was sullen: "Speak, where is Master Cheng?"

Sitting opposite her was a young man with disabled legs. The man was wearing a white shirt, which was ironed and smooth. His skin was extremely white. It was the kind of white that hadn't seen the sun all year round, and his eyebrows and eyes were exquisite and picturesque. He looked extremely fragile and extremely sick. Delicate gentle temperament.

"You ask this as soon as you see me?" Lu Zhi was not angry, but asked her back with a smile.

"..." Qiao Nian took a deep breath, frowned, forming a deep crease on the brow.

She stretched out her hand and pinched the bridge of her nose again, suppressed the irritability that rushed to her head, and said to him as patiently as possible: "If you want to do other things, I don't care about you. But you want to become a master or send your ideas to him for research." If you go up the project, I might turn against you."

At the beginning, Lu Zhi's lips still had a slight curve, but when he heard the girl warn him in an extremely serious tone, his smile finally froze on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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