Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3142 Immediately exchange news with Miss Nian

Chapter 3142 Immediately exchange news with Miss Nian

Ye Wangchuan didn't answer, took his mobile phone, got up and went back to the study to make a call.

Seeing him enter the study, Bao Jingxing guessed that he might be contacting Qiao Nian, so he turned his head and said to his subordinates with a gloomy face, "Anyway, let's check the information of this car first."

Qiao Nian arrived at Lu Zhi's location within 10 minutes, and soon found Master Cheng's cell phone in a nearby trash can.

The phone has been destroyed.

The screen is completely broken and I can't turn it on.

However, the location tracking system embedded in Lu Zhi's intrusion into Master Cheng's mobile phone should be the most high-end system currently on the market.

As long as the mobile phone is not completely scrapped, as long as there is a calling card in it, the location of the mobile phone can be tracked.

Qiao Nian just picked up the black phone from the trash can and tried to switch it on and off, when Ye Wangchuan's call came.

With dirty things on her hands, she didn't want to touch anything else. It happened that there were not many people on this road.

Qiao Nian simply pressed the answer button and turned on the loudspeaker.

"Where is it?" The man's voice was low.

Qiao Nian looked up at the traffic on the road, and looked away calmly: "At the intersection."

Ye Wangchuan deserves to be the person who knows her best: "You just walked away suddenly to find Master Cheng, right? You went to see Lu Zhi?"

Qiao Nian frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "This matter has nothing to do with him."

She was not defending Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi was very proud in his bones, since he said he hadn't done it, he hadn't done it.

"Tsk, help him talk?" Ye Fanchuan's voice was hoarse, smiling slightly, he didn't sound angry, but the next second he called her cynically: "God Qiao is not afraid that I will be jealous?"

Qiao Nian raised her fingers and squeezed them unconsciously. Even though he wasn't around, she had the feeling that he was leaning against her ear and talking: "It has nothing to do with this. I'm just talking about the facts without personal emotions!"

"Okay, I'm not joking with you." Seeing that he was about to go too far, Ye Wangchuan knew how to accept it as soon as he saw it, and said with a smile: "I checked the surveillance cameras at nearby intersections, and found that a car took Master Cheng away. "

"What's the license plate number?" Qiao Nian focused, her expression became serious.


There was a knock on the door of the study.

Ye Wangchuan said lazily: "Come in."

Bao Jingxing pushed the door open from the outside and walked in. Seeing him calling by the window with his mobile phone, he lowered his voice and told him the vehicle information.

Ye Wangchuan knew that even if he didn't say anything, he and Gu San knew to find someone to check the car, so he just picked up Qiao Nian's question and gave her the license plate number.Then he said: "Bo Jingxing has checked, this car is a fake car with a fake license plate number."

The use of vehicle license plates is illegal.

However, many people will get this kind of fake license plate through online channels and use it in some illegal operations. This is also a headache for the traffic police.

The other party's use of a licensed car was also within the scope of his consideration before, and he was not in a hurry, and said to the girl in a low and gentle voice: "I called to tell you, I am also investigating this matter here, and I will contact you if I have news. You said. Don't be impulsive when you are alone outside, discuss with me about anything..."

People who have never been in love are so clingy when they are in love?
Bao Jingxing touched the goosebumps on his neck and shivered. He looked at him with a very complicated expression, and felt that standing here was superfluous...

But Ye Wangchuan was still on the phone, and didn't intend to talk to him.

(End of this chapter)

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