Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3155 Someone is going to be unlucky

Chapter 3155 Someone is going to be unlucky

Nie Qixing's face became more and more gloomy: "What do you think?"

Zhou Zheng didn't dare to continue: "No, it's nothing."

He felt that once things were revealed, they might not be able to please them.

After all, neither Lu Zhi nor Qiao Nian are easy to mess with!

He felt that Young Master Qi didn't need to make such an incident at all. What good would they gain by doing this?Not only is it useless, but it is also easy to make yourself feel fishy.

But Qi Shao insisted on venting his anger.

Zhou Zheng was under the eaves, and he didn't dare to annoy him: "How does Young Master Qi want to deal with that person?"

Nie Qixing tapped his fingers on the sofa cushion and said absently; "It's just a useless old man... If Qiao Nian behaves well, I can save his life..."

on the other hand.

If Qiao Nian didn't do what he wanted, he might kill Master Cheng!
Zhou Zheng's brows twitched when he heard it, and a strong sense of uneasiness rose in his heart: "After all, it's the capital city..."

Nie Qixing looked up at him, and Zhou Zheng didn't dare to speak anymore.

at this time.

Nie Qixing's phone rang.

He glanced at the caller number, reached for the phone, and put it to his ear: "Speak."

I don't know what was said there.

Nie Qixing stood up quickly: "Really?"

Seeing his obviously happy expression, Zhou Zheng heaved a sigh of relief, his mind was still thinking about the mess in Beijing...

"I see."

"I'll be leaving as soon as possible."

Nie Qixing's suppressed and happy voice sounded in the box.

Zhou Zheng's attention was pulled back.

He waited for Nie Qixing to hang up the phone, and then asked curiously: "Young Master Qi, what's the matter? I think you are very happy."

Nie Qixing was indeed in a good mood. He took a look at him and told him rarely: "There is a batch of goods I want from Continent F, and I am going to go there."

Zhou Zheng didn't know the business map of the Nie family and the Yinshi family, so naturally he didn't know what "goods" Nie Qixing was talking about, but seeing that Nie Qixing was so happy, he had insight and said, "That's really a good thing!"


Nie Qixing responded, as if he didn't want to waste time with him, and was in a hurry to go back to prepare for Continent F, so he took his things, turned to him and said, "By the way, that woman..."

Zhou Zheng didn't need his reminder, and immediately said: "I arranged Miss Yuandai in Mingshan Apartment, my house over there, no one will find her existence. Even if they know Miss Yuandai, they will only think that she is mine woman."

It was inconvenient for Nie Qixing to bring someone with him, so when he heard that Zhou Zheng had made arrangements, he said with confidence, "Don't let her run around."

Zhou Zheng peeked at him, and didn't understand why Nie Qixing didn't want outsiders to discover Yuan Dai's existence, so he still said obediently, "Okay, Young Master Qi."

Nie Qixing left the club in a hurry, preparing to rush to Continent F without stopping, so as not to be the first to get access to the batch of goods.

F continent.

Mo Dong lifted the tent of the base camp, walked straight in, and went straight to the fearsome weapon dealer in continent F.

"What time does Ms. Qiao's plane arrive? Shouldn't we go pick someone up?"

Daji looked away from the sand table quite speechlessly, distractedly looked at him, and said angrily, "Even if Sun is here, what does it have to do with you? If we want to pick up the plane, we will go by ourselves, why should we take you?"

Mo Dong didn't change his expression, and said shamelessly: "Don't talk about being so alien. Sooner or later, everyone will be a family~"

Daji was so disgusted by his phrase 'everyone is a family sooner or later', she pursed her lips, didn't answer at all, and said seriously, "Is the matter settled?"

(End of this chapter)

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