Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3168 Nie Qingru knew it was urgent

Chapter 3168 Nie Qingru knew it was urgent
After several days of sunny days in Country M, dark clouds suddenly floated in the sky in the evening. The dark clouds quickly covered the sky, and thunder and lightning flashed in the thick clouds.

At night, it rained heavily.

The rain washed the world outside the hotel, separating the bright lights inside and the rain outside into two different worlds.

"Empress, the Patriarch of the Nie family is here." The black-clothed bodyguard walked lightly to the French window and said cautiously.

The old woman with her back to him stood in front of the huge glass window, looking at the scenery below, her well-maintained face was expressionless and taciturn.

In front of her, the night scene of the city that used to be bustling and lively in the past looked extraordinarily deserted tonight because of the heavy rain, only the dim street lights could be seen in the rain.

The bodyguard saw her standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window as if her soul was out of her body, and there was no response for a long time.

So she plucked up her courage and called softly again: "Queen, people from the Nie family are here."

Nie Qingru turned around suddenly, walked past him, and walked towards the living room: "Let him in."

Although the bodyguard was taken aback, he still didn't dare to be dissatisfied, and hurried to find someone outside the entrance.

After a while, Nie Tao came in after him.

Nie Qingru didn't live in the hidden family's villa in Country M this time, but chose to book a penthouse suite in a five-star hotel.

Charcoal is burning in the closet of the suite in the hotel, and there is a warm temperature around it, just like the bright lights in the suite give people the feeling.

Nie Tao stepped on the soft carpet, and quickly walked up to the woman sitting on the sofa, looking at the person with a bad complexion, before he could speak.

Nie Qingru raised her hand and told him, "Sit."


Nie Tao couldn't say anything, so he sat on the sofa opposite her.

At this time, Nie Qingru's subordinates brewed two cups of hot coffee and delivered them to them respectively, then got up, went out lightly, and closed the door for them by the way.

Nie Qingru and Nie Tao were the only ones left in the huge suite.

Nie Qingru picked up the coffee, put it on her lips gracefully and took a sip, and said straight to the point: "Qi Xing has an accident and is controlled in Continent F."

Before Nie Tao came, he probably guessed that Nie Qingru was looking for him because of Nie Qixing, but now he heard Nie Qingru directly tell him that something happened, "f continent".

He reacted very strongly, immediately frowned, sat up straight without even touching the coffee in front of him, and immediately asked Nie Qingru: "What is he doing in Continent F?"

"He was set up by someone to say that a batch of goods had arrived in Continent F. In order to check the goods, he went to Continent F himself, but was arrested." Nie Qingru said calmly.

But Nie Tao sneered again and again: "I have always taken care of the business in Continent F myself, why didn't I know that he was going to pick up the goods?"

Nie Qixing went to Continent f to pry business behind his back, but he was unlucky and was tricked... Now he came to look for him?
She doesn't think she can take care of it!

Of course Nie Qingru could hear the undisguised resentment in his tone, and she knew in her heart that it was Nie Qixing who did the dishonest thing this time.

It's a good thing for Nie Qixing to be ambitious, but if he doesn't have the strength to support his ambition, then he is stupid!

Nie Qingru didn't go around in circles with him, and said directly: "I need your people in Continent F to rush to the rescue."

Nie Tao was not surprised that she would ask him to save someone, but he just didn't cooperate: "Qixing is my own brother, it's not that I don't want to take care of him, but I can't do anything for the power that the Nie family has accumulated in Continent F for decades. He ruined it by himself. Besides, we also have our own layout in Continent F."

(End of this chapter)

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