Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3171 Nie Qingru also has to lower her noble head!

Chapter 3171 Nie Qingru also has to lower her noble head!

Listening to him talking to himself, Jian Jin couldn't help laughing when she realized it: "I don't seem to have asked anything."

Lu Zhi pursed his lower lip, there was no unnecessary expression on his face, but he didn't say anything.

Jian Jin pushed the wheelchair again and walked forward: "Come on, you don't want to have dinner with Joe's father. If we don't go there, it will be too late."

In the m country hotel.

Nie Tao noticed that the wall clock on the wall had entered 10:30.

He turned around and reminded the person who was too angry to speak: "Qingru, it's only half an hour before she told you."

Nie Tao had a general understanding of the situation in Continent F just now, and he also understood who Nie Qixing had provoked this time.

He cautiously said: "Actually...Actually, after all, Qixing was impulsive this time and shouldn't touch people in Beijing. Fortunately, we closed the door and counted as a family. Since she is Ji Qing's child, you should follow her Talk to her, she may not refuse to listen to you."

Nie Qingru felt restless when she heard this, she gathered her shawl and looked at him coldly: "Do you really think she will listen to me?"

"This..." Nie Tao just said it, not stupid in his heart.

As far as the momentum Qiao Nian made this time, and the large-scale blockade of f continent's sea, land and air, it seems that he is not an obedient character.

But who told Nie Qingru not to control his younger brother, so he insisted on provoking him.

After all, it wasn't Nie Qixing's fault that he teased the first and made trouble first!

It's normal for people not to save face now!

"It's fine if you don't want to talk to the other party, but it's a pity for Qi Xing...he's going to suffer a bit this time."

Nie Tao secretly wished to see Nie Qixing in trouble. After all, blood relationship is nothing compared to interests. He and Nie Qixing have a conflict of interest.

"But it's good for him to suffer a little bit, who made him so impulsive every time he does things. This time, it's also a lesson for him~"

Listening to his tone, Nie Qingru seemed to think it was a trivial matter, Qiao Nian just wanted to teach Nie Qixing a lesson and would let him go...

Her face was livid with anger, she squinted her eyes and stared at Nie Tao coldly and said, "You really want to teach Qi Xing a lesson?"

"I'm just talking. If you're worried, call her and talk about it..." Nie Tao felt her displeasure, and immediately shut up.

Nie Qingru's mind was buzzing, but she knew very well in her heart that Qiao Nian didn't just want to teach Nie Qixing a lesson by doing this.

If she didn't call within the time specified by her, it was unknown whether Nie Qixing would be able to leave Continent F alive.

Nie Qing has been calling the wind and rain for decades, and has long been accustomed to standing on a high position and overlooking the people below.

This was the first time that she was forced to retreat irrevocably, and even had to do things according to other people's requirements. One can imagine the aggrieved heart.

11:45 minutes.

There are only 15 minutes left before Qiao Nian's request.

Nie Qingru let go of the hand pinching the bridge of her nose, walked into the study with a sullen face, and closed the door of the study.

Nie Tao was locked outside by her, and it was not right to leave for a while, or not to leave, so after thinking about it for a long time, he had to sit on the sofa and wait for her to come out...

Continent F is beautiful at night with a cool breeze tonight.

Nie Qixing and the others had been trapped for nearly two hours. Their nerves were tense, and they were exhausted. Their eyes were bloodshot.

Nie Qixing was on the verge of a mental breakdown, so he stepped out and said, "I want to see Qiao Nian."

Mo Dong was talking to Daji, when he heard him speak, he turned his head and sneered and smiled: "Who do you think you are? You can see him when you say you will."

Nie Qixing still retained his rationality, and analyzed objectively: "It's impossible for you to surround us all the time. I want to talk to her face to face."

(End of this chapter)

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