Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3173 Nie Qingru's Secret

Chapter 3173 Nie Qingru's Secret
She has long seen through the so-called family affection.

Family affection is precious, but it has to be divided.

Some people regard you as a treasure, and even if they haven't seen you for more than ten years, they can't change the bonds of blood and family.

Some people use family affection as a bargaining chip and place it in front of you to make a deal with you.

So kinship and 'kinship' are different things.

She learned to distinguish this point two years ago, and Nie Qingru used the "uncle" as an example, which was useless long ago.

She wants to know the dusty secret now.

"What the hell happened 30 years ago?"

"Heh, you are indeed Ji Wu Falcon's seed, and the blood flowing from your bones is the same!" Nie Qingru taunted in a strange voice.

Qiao Nian didn't take it seriously, she just reminded her softly: "Nie Qixing is still in my hands, I can send you a dead person back anytime."

"you dare!"

Nie Qingru suppressed her furious anger and understood that Qiao Nian would certainly dare.

She said in a deep voice: "30 years ago, the Ji family rose from Independent Continent to become one of the upstart forces."

"This generation of Ji Wu Falcon is ambitious enough and a monster enough. Soon under his leadership, the Ji family will become a force that can compete with the hidden family. He is very smart. After a few small frictions with the hidden family , proposed marriage with the family at that time... The Hermit Family also realized that his strength should not be underestimated at the time, so they agreed with half-heartedness, and promised that he could choose suitable candidates at will..."

Nie Qingru seemed to be recalling a nightmare, and said in a distorted voice of extreme pain: "I didn't worry about it at the time, who would have thought that he picked me."

Like Qiao Nian now, Ji Wufeng was a monster born out of nowhere at that time.

His talent and strength have made countless forces dormant, and even the Hidden Family, which is in full swing, have to be afraid of it.

"During the three years I was married to him, I never had a happy day until I was about to collapse... The Nie family gave birth to a younger brother for me through medical means, and he was taken to Ji's family for me to cultivate..."

"I survived the darkest period by raising children, and later gave birth to my first child, which is your mother."

When Nie Qingru mentioned Ji Qing, her voice was flat and without any emotion, let alone guilt.

With such a mother, one can imagine what kind of environment Ji Qing grew up in.

Qiao Nian's heart trembled as if she felt the same way, the ups and downs of the stabbing pain even made her chest ache.

She slowly clenched her fists: "And then?"

Nie Qingru paused for a second, then remembered and said, "Then you know what happened. Your grandfather died. I successfully got rid of this marriage and returned to the hidden family. I got to where I am today by myself..."

Among all her memories, Ji Qing doesn't even deserve to have the frivolous memories, only the sentence 'I gave birth to this person'.

"As for your mother's death, it's not as complicated as you think, it's just an accident." That kind of understatement tone, as if she gave birth to Ji Qing, she has the right to decide Ji Qing's life and death.

Season is dead.

In her mouth, it was just an 'accident'!
Qiao Nian was suddenly provoked by her, his dark eyes burst into flames, and in a blink of an eye there was a prairie fire: "According to what you said, it's an 'accident' that Nie Qixing died here today?"

Nie Qingruo's attitude suddenly changed: "What do you mean?"

Without even giving Qiao Nian a chance to speak, he raised his voice and threatened coldly: "Qiao Nian, I have told you the secret from 30 years ago according to your request. You also know that he is your own uncle! If you dare to touch him rebelliously, I will never let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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