Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3175 Throw them all into the wild wolf ditch

Chapter 3175 Throw them all into the wild wolf ditch
Nie Qingru had bulging veins on his forehead, he gritted his teeth and said, "Qiao Nian, he's your uncle! You're so rebellious that you don't even let your own uncle go?!"

"Didn't you say you knew the good things he did outside? Why, now you forgot." The girl's voice was calm enough to tease her fragile nerves.

Nie Qingru took a deep breath, and said coldly without changing his face: "Master Cheng is just an outsider! Even if he is impulsive, he is still your uncle. If you blind your uncle's eyes for outsiders, what will others think of you in the future? Say you are cold-blooded and ruthless Or praise you for not recognizing your six relatives?"

She accused Qiao Nian of being forceful.

It just happened to hit the muzzle of someone else's gun.

"Didn't I learn this from you? It is a good tradition flowing in the bones of the Nie family to deny the six relatives. I just inherited you."

"..." She was mocking her attitude towards Ji Qing!

Nie Qingru could feel her heart beating very fast at this moment, and tried to speak to the girl in a calm tone: "Don't force me."

"For the sake of your mother's early death, I don't want to argue with you."

The girl's voice was cold and dry: "If you want to mention one more sentence, you don't need to choose the left and right. I will dig out both of Nie Qixing's eyes and send them to you."

Nie Qingru was so angry that her forehead and temples were throbbing, she firmly grasped the edge of the desk, trying to calm herself down.

"Forget it, I beg you."

The person is in Qiao Nian's hands.

Now entering and exiting f continent by sea, land and air is blocked by the whole territory.

Knowing that he had no choice, Nie Qingru finally lowered her noble head, her cheek muscles twitched, and her face changed in a low voice: "Let your uncle go."

The wind in Continent F blew the corners of the girl's clothes.

With the mobile phone in her hand, she listened to the arrogant woman pleading for Nie Qixing in a low voice, but there was no ripple in her heart.

"I'm already investigating Jiqing's death...Nie Qixing's eyes are just the beginning. When I find out, not only Nie Qixing, but also the people and forces who participated in it back then will not be able to escape. As for the hidden world family you are proud of, if you participate I will pursue what happened back then to the end."

"Jiqing is not an item, not a weight for you to weigh the pros and cons. Even if you have 1 grievances, she has never been sorry for you. You are the one who is sorry for her!"

Nie Qingru is not worthy of being a mother.

When Ji Qing was supposed to be desperate, she quietly hid her in the orphanage.

But even in that situation, Ji Qing still managed to protect her.

It can be seen that if a mother is really caring, she will fight for her child no matter how difficult it is.Nie Qingru is not, she chooses interests without hesitation...

So even if she had 1 reasons to convince herself that she was doing the right thing, Qiao Nian felt sick for her.

"I'll ask someone to send Nie Qixing's eyes to you. Remember to check the delivery these few days." Qiao Nian had already walked in front of Chunlei, and said softly into the phone.

What Nie Qingru was still saying on the other end was no longer important to her.

Without further ado, she hung up the phone and turned around to block the number.

Instead, he raised his head and said to Chunlei: "I want his left eye, and break his hands, and throw them into the wild wolf ditch."

Yelanggougou, as its name suggests, is a wasteland in Continent F. Usually, wolves like to hang out nearby, and no one wants to go there.

It can be regarded as the default small no-man's land in Continent F.

Qiao Nian didn't directly ask for Nie Qixing's life, but he didn't let Nie Qixing go either.

In the case of Nie Qixing, he was thrown into no man's land.

Immortal peeling skin.

Of course, Chunlei hoped that he would be directly killed and dismembered by the ferocious wild wolf in the ditch...

(End of this chapter)

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