Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3178 Sister Joe Didn't Call You

Chapter 3178 Sister Joe Didn't Call You
The girl said calmly, "I've done it here."


"Well, let Executive Lu release him."

Jian Jin was still not at ease, and hesitated for a moment: "Joe, you won't deliberately lie to me in order not to trouble us?"

"No." Qiao Nian immediately denied, and said flatly, "I gouged out one of Nie Qixing's eyes, and threw him into the grave by the way."

"..." Jian Jin's ears were buzzing, her mind almost went blank, and her breathing became difficult.

This, so wild? !

Joe is so big?
No wonder Nie Qingru targeted Tianchen like crazy, as if she had to send someone to Continent F immediately even if the net was broken, and no one would try to stop her.

Joe is trying to drive the Hermit family crazy!

Qiao Nian said calmly, "So I don't need to lie to you. I've already settled the matter here, let Director Lu release him."

Lu Zhi helped her a lot this time, and she owed a favor again, which made it difficult for her to care about the unhappiness that happened before...

Qiao Nian still had a headache about how to deal with the relationship with Lu Zhi, so she frowned and said relaxedly, "Thank him for helping me."

Jian Jin also smiled, she was happier than anyone else: "Okay, I'll tell him later."

On the other side, Ye Wangchuan's residence in Beijing.

Gu San came in in a hurry: "Master Wang, the settlement on Continent F is over."

Both Qin Si and Bao Jingxing were there, as well as Mr. Ye and Ye Qichen...

The four of them sat on the sofa on either side.

In normal times, Qin Si would definitely find a place to sit and play games, don't even think that he is in good shape.

This time, Old Master Ye was also here, he restrained himself a lot, and sat upright like Bao Jingxing the whole time, feeling choked up.

As soon as Gu Sanyi came in, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, took the opportunity to move his shoulders, and looked at the young man sitting at the bar: "Master Wang, sister Qiao didn't call you?"

Ye Wangchuan raised his head, and Shi Shiran looked at him: "She sent me a message."

"Ah, just send a message." Qin Si was completely unaware of the danger, and said very poignantly: "I thought sister Qiao would call you as soon as possible."

"Hehe." Ye Qichen, who was facing him, suddenly sneered twice, with a sullen pretty face and big grape-like eyes that looked so cute, but his words were provocative: "If I were my sister, I wouldn't call him!"

Ruanfan, let my sister go to such a dangerous place alone!

Grandpa Ye heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time critically sized up his grandson, just like Ye Qichen, no matter how he looked at him, he was not pleasing to the eye: "Look at you, even Chenchen knows the truth at such a young age, you are not as good as a child when you are old! No wonder Nian Nian I don't want to talk to you! Next time you do this again, don't go home!"

"..." Qin Si shrunk his head, and shrank his head into his neck, wishing to reduce his sense of existence, for fear that Ye Wangchuan would kill him.

He just said it casually, but he didn't expect to provoke the old man's anger.

Fortunately, Ye Wangchuan just raised his eyebrows, looked at the little guy with deep eyes, and said bluntly: "Even if my girlfriend doesn't call me, it's none of your business."

Ye Qichen immediately blushed with anger, jumped down from the sofa, with round eyes, clenched his fists and shouted: "My sister likes me the most!"

Ye Wangchuan didn't change his face: "That's because I like the way you pretend. Are you so obedient?"

Ye Qichen's lungs were about to burst with anger, his eyes were rounded, his face puffed up, and he said bitterly, "I want to change my uncle."

(End of this chapter)

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