Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3182 Things fermented as expected

Chapter 3182 Things fermented as expected
This time Chasing Light will represent Tsinghua University's traditional music in the competition. It was fermented on the school forum and then on the Internet. Many people knew that she was going to participate in the competition.

Most people waited with great anticipation for Qiao Nian to win glory for the country.

The list announced in the morning undoubtedly slapped those expecting people in the face, and some people became dissatisfied, regardless of 21, and directly criticized on the Internet.

For a while, traditional music is just a matter of being praised too much.

After a while, Qiao Nian drifted away, and he stopped learning to talk about things.

In short, Qiao Nian's failure to win the prize this time was a mistake in their eyes, and he opened his mouth to scold.

It was not a big deal.

After all, it is a highly professional game.

A lot of people don't notice this.

However, the official website seemed to be making trouble on purpose, and then posted an email back to Nie Mi and Tsingda University.

They replied in the email that the organizers of Nie Midao had received their complaints, but the result has already come out, and the result is very fair and just. They will not change the result for the sake of other winners.

This reply seems to be fine.

But if you contact the list of winners they sent out in the morning, this operation becomes meaningful.

Nie Mi and Qing University's normal protest process instantly turned into Qiao Nian and Qing University who couldn't afford to lose. Mr. Nie pestered the organizer for his disrespect, insisting on ranking his own people.

The organizer was overwhelmed and had to send out the reply email.

This comes and goes.

The organizer slapped Nie Mi and Qiao Nian who hadn't shown up.


Gu Sansan saw the gossip about Qiao Nian on the Internet early in the morning, so he hurried to find Ye Wangchuan.

He pushed the door open and went in: "Master Wang, you saw on Weibo..."

The bright study room was full of light, and he thought that someone who was busy with work was talking on the phone.

Gu San kept his mouth shut, went in lightly, stood aside and waited for Ye Wangchuan to finish his phone call.

Ye Wangchuan noticed that he rushed in from the outside, raised the corners of his eyes slightly, and did not respond to him immediately, but whispered to the person on the other end of the phone: "I have seen the email they posted... Well, I know you are Protest according to the normal procedure. It’s okay, it won’t affect her. She is in Continent F and only came back in the afternoon, so she should still be on the plane right now…”

Gu San sneaked a glance at him, muttering in his heart.

Who is Wang Ye calling?

He sounded like he was talking to Mr. Nie.

And is Miss Qiao coming back this afternoon?

Gu Sanyi thought of the messy things on the Internet, and then thought of Qiao Nian's imminent landing.

As soon as Ms. Qiao's plane landed, she turned on her mobile phone and saw all the bad things. She didn't know how upset she was.

He pursed his lips, feeling irritable.

The man behind the desk quickly finished the phone call, turned around and walked back, put the phone on the table, and said to him in a calm manner: "What's the hurry, I'm still here."

Gu Sanyang looked at him: "Master Wang, do you have a solution?"

Ye Wangchuan pulled out the chair and sat down, turned on the computer, and didn't even bother to raise his eyelids: "It seems a little unjustifiable if someone comes to your door to beat her up, if she doesn't satisfy her."

"..." Gu San was in a daze, but thinking of all the bad things on the Internet, he became anxious for Qiao Nian: "But this time the organizer came forward to slap me in the face, so it's not easy for us to explain. After all, arranging music requires a thousand people There are a thousand Hamlets in our eyes, we say that Ms. Qiao is the best, but some people will definitely say that others are better... As long as they use this rhythm, the public opinion will be very unfavorable to Ms. Qiao."

(End of this chapter)

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