Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3192 You still know that you are incompetent, not too incompetent

Chapter 3192 You still know that you are incompetent, not too incompetent
In an atmosphere of silence, the plane finally landed at Continental Airport.

Nie Qingru got off the plane first and left in a car alone.

The rest of the Nie family followed her in the five cars behind her, and they went to the hospital where Nie Qixing was.

This time Nie Qixing was seriously injured, and the shadow did not have time to send him to a higher-level hospital for treatment, so he had to be temporarily sent to a nearby hospital like a clinic.

However, with the expert doctors arranged by Nie Qingru, although the environment of the hospital is too simple, the medical conditions are not bad.

When Nie Qingru and his group arrived outside the hospital in a mighty manner, the shadow had already led people to wait outside.

The driver opened the door for Nie Qingru.

Follow Nie Qing and get out of the car.

Shadow quickly lowered his head, and said respectfully, "Queen, it's the subordinate who is incompetent."

"You still know that you are incompetent, not too incompetent!"

Nie Qingru walked past him, without looking at him out of the corner of her eye, she walked inside: "Which ward is Qixing in, take me there."


Shadow raised his head, blushing blushed across his rigid face, pursed his lower lip, and trotted forward to lead the way.


Continent F was not originally a land of wealth and wealth. It was mixed with fish and dragons, and there were all kinds of religions and nine streams, so conflicts and violent incidents often occurred.

It was only in the past two years that the situation was jointly controlled by the diamond tycoon and the dark fort, f continent gradually formed a stable situation, and everyone's life was easier.

Because Continent F is not considered rich, and the hospital Nie Qixing stayed in this time is not a good hospital in Continent F, the facilities and equipment of this ordinary hospital naturally cannot catch Nie Qingru's eyes.

She followed the shadow.

Passing by along the way, I saw the outdated wards and outdated examination equipment in the hospital... His complexion became worse and worse, but fortunately, he still had reason and did not burst out.

Finally, Shadow led everyone to stop outside a passable ward, lowered his head and explained to the arrogant woman: "When we found Young Master Qi, he was seriously injured. Under the circumstances at that time, I couldn't send Young Master Qi back to m country or long-distance moving him, the only hospital nearby is not bad, so I can only settle Qishao here temporarily. I have already had people change the sheets and bedding in the ward, but the others are not available for the time being. There is a way to replace it with a new one.”

Nie Qingru is used to being aloof. It is true that she has not seen such a down-to-earth hospital environment for a long time and heard Shadow's explanation.

She gathered herself together, and replied with a paralyzed face, but she didn't blame anything, and walked towards the ward: "I'll go in and have a look, you are waiting for me outside."

She spoke.

The bodyguards of the Hidden Family immediately stood guard on both sides of the door of the ward, silently blocking the way of the rest of the Nie family, raised their eyes slightly, and said in a stern tone, "Everyone wait until the queen comes out before going in."

The unattractive faces of Nie Tao and others suddenly became even uglier...

In the ward.

Nie Qixing was lying on a pure white hospital bed, with various equipment and instruments placed on the left and right sides, and the machines were beeping.

One sound sounded like a beating on Nie Qingru's heart.

In addition to Nie Qixing, there were two other experts discussing the condition around the hospital bed. When someone came in from the outside, the discussion between the two stopped abruptly.

Nie Qingru's aura was very strong, even if the two of them didn't know her identity, they could feel her innate majesty.

He watched helplessly as she walked to the hospital bed and stood there looking at Nie Qixing lying unconscious on the bed for a while, but he didn't dare to disturb her.

(End of this chapter)

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