Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3195 Just let her see the reality clearly

Chapter 3195 Just let her see the reality clearly
Qiao Nian took advantage of his time to get water, glanced at the man opposite, and said to him in a hoarse voice, "Do you know that Nie Qingru has gone to Continent F?"

Ye Wangchuan actually saw her coming down the first time, but he didn't bother her when he saw that she was sleepy and irritable before she woke up.

Hearing that Qiao Nian took the initiative to talk to him at this moment, his eyes drooped slightly, and he pondered for a moment and asked, "When did it happen?"

"You don't know?" Qiao Nian was also quite surprised, and rarely looked at him with strange eyes.Then he paused, and then said lazily, "Daji told me. He said that the people from your bunker discovered Nie's plane first. I thought you knew about it."

Ye Wangchuan's eyelids twitched, and he could figure out what was going on with his fingernails.

There was still a slight curling smile on his lips, but it was a bit of a fake smile: "I don't know, I just heard about it."

"Nie Qingru is here?" Ye Wangchuan quickly collected his emotions, raised his eyelids and asked the most crucial question.

This Daji didn't say anything.

Qiao Nian's black and white eyes collided with his: "I guess she's here."

Then she gave her reasons for guessing.

"I received a text message from her not long after I got off the plane, and she asked me what I wanted in the text message." She said in a very light tone, as if Nie Qingru was not her grandmother, but a stranger: "So I guess she went to f Zhou, seeing Nie Qixing's injury, he couldn't swallow his breath, so he went crazy looking for me."

Nie Qingru's behavior is no different from going crazy.

After all, they have reached the point where they are now, and they have long since lost the so-called family relationship.

Nie Qingru still used her identity to suppress others, which was somewhat ridiculous.

It can also be seen from this that Nie Qingru was so angry that she sent a text message asking questions.

But no matter how angry or crazy she is, Qiao Nian will never take her emotions to heart: "Daji said that the people from the Hidden World family found Nie Qixing as soon as they found Nie Qixing. Good sister."

A good sister is not a good grandmother, let alone a good mother.

This is the most ridiculous place!
Qiao Nian continued to analyze the current situation with him: "Nation M and the Hidden Family are still as quiet as a chicken, so it can be seen that Nie Qing has spent all his money to suppress these people. Otherwise, Nie Qixing has lost his qualifications as an heir due to the current situation. would want such an infamous heir."

"Isn't this better?" Ye Wangchuan heard the waves of her calm narration, took her words, and folded her long and slender legs.

He raised his chin, half-closed his pupils, and said, "The more she insists on keeping Nie Qixing in disregard of opposition, the easier it is for Nie Qixing to get involved and attack her."

"Since she firmly believes that Nie Qixing is the unique and excellent successor she has cultivated, let her open her eyes to see the reality and see clearly whether the person she is proud of makes her proud or disappointed..."

Nie Qingru took the already excellent Ji Qing as a stain on her life, and mercilessly wiped it out.

Instead, he held trash like Nie Qixing to a high position and regarded it as a treasure.

Then let reality hit her in the face, and let her understand who is the stain in her life!
Qiao Nian let out a lazy 'Yes', as if she didn't want to continue this topic.

Seeing that she had just woken up, Ye Wangchuan bent down and picked up the fruit knife on the table, then picked up an apple and began to peel it carefully, while saying to the girl on the sofa: "By the way, Mr. Nie and Principal Liang have a dinner date. Do you want to go at noon tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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