Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3208 Let's take a look first and see how they deal with it

Chapter 3208 Let's take a look first and see how they deal with it
Ye Wangchuan walked over to put the cup in her hand on the tea table for her, looked down at her and said, "Then do you care?"

Qiao Nian was disturbed for a while when she heard the words, and she paused and said, "I asked Daji to check the internal information of the hospital. It is estimated that Nie Qixing is dying... Otherwise, with her character, she wouldn't ask me immediately."

She didn't need to say this, Ye Fanchuan also guessed about it.

He still stared at the girl with his deep, flat eyes, and said slowly, "I mean Tang Wanru..."

Qiao Nian raised her head and met his gaze. When she saw the well-reduced coldness in his eyes, she turned away and rubbed her forehead with a headache.

Ye Wangchuan continued lazily as expected: "...she is not suitable to stay in the Jiang family."

He knew that Qiao Nian always had reservations about Tang Wanru because of Jiang Lao, Jiang Li and the others.

This time Tang Wanru did not cause any real harm to the family, but next time, next time... As long as she stays in the Jiang family for a day, there will be countless next time.

Who can guarantee that she can achieve her goal without hurting the old man every time?
If Nie Qingru's request next time is to exchange Mr. Jiang's life, or to use his brains on Jiang Zongjin...

Ye Wangchuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone sank: "How about I help you deal with it?"

Qiao Nian's facial features were exquisite. She took off the peaked cap with her pale fingers and twirled it around her fingertips, as if she was thinking about it. After a while, she calmly said, "Let's take a look first. Let's see how they deal with it."

When she said they were clearly referring to Jiang Zongnan and Jiang Yao...

Tang Wanru lied about Mr. Jiang's physical condition this time, which was really too much.

Let's see if her second uncle doesn't care.

Never mind.

The atmosphere in Jiang's villa was extremely low at the moment.

All the servants at home were called back by Jiang Zongnan in advance.

Only my family is left in the huge villa.

Mr. Jiang was also at home pushed by the nurse. Besides the nurse, the only outsider here was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes and glasses.

The middle-aged man stood in the corner with great insight, trying to reduce his sense of presence here, as if he was a background board with few words...

Jiang Zongnan sat down on the sofa with his eyebrows deep.

There were a few pages of paper spread out in front of him, densely packed with words... He seemed to have carefully read the terms above, and picked up the pen to sign at the end.

"Dad!" Jiang Yao couldn't help but stop him when the atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

Everyone looked at him.

His own temples were throbbing, his eyes were dark and deep, and the corners of his lips were tight and he said to Jiang Zongnan seriously: "Have you thought it through? You can't go back on your word after signing this."

When he said this, no matter whether it was old man Jiang or Jiang Li, neither of them made a sound, allowing them to talk.

Jiang Zongnan seemed to be moved by what he said, and he tightened his grip on the pen. The next second, he said in a deep voice, "If it wasn't for the sake of the two of you, I would have signed on this a long time ago. Okay. It's not too late today..."

"Dad." Jiang Yao hesitated for a long time, but couldn't say anything to persuade him.

After all, what Tang Wanru did, even a son like him can't stand it, so what face does he have to force Jiang Zongnan to endure...

Jiang Zongnan didn't pay attention to him any more, and resolutely signed his name at the end.

Then he sat up straight, let out a long breath, with a look of relief on his face, and then handed over all the documents on the table to the middle-aged man standing in the corner.

"I signed it."

(End of this chapter)

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