Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3213 It turns out that sister Nian doesn't fight back

Chapter 3213 It turns out that sister Nian doesn't fight back

She had previously had conflicts with Nie Qingru over whether Nie Qixing could take over, but she was so soft-spoken that she couldn't offend Nie Qingru.

Nie Tao also had a sullen face: "I don't know. She has become more and more unpredictable recently."

Nie Xia frowned, leaning close to his ear and lowering her voice, "We can't let her go on like this forever, old lady..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Nie Tao heard half of his face change slightly, pulled her away, and sternly reprimanded: "Qing Ru is my own sister, the old man's own daughter... We are a family, you must be careful when you speak! Next time Don't let me hear that again."

A sarcasm flashed across Nie Xia's eyes, but she still lowered her head submissively: "I know I was wrong, patriarch."

"Yeah." Nie Tao was upset, and shook his hands in response: "Let's get ready too, let's go back."


Nie Qingru had to leave temporarily, and set the time very close.

This time, the Nie family who came here were in a hurry, and went back to the hotel to pack their luggage.

Fortunately, before they came this time, they knew that they would not stay for too long. They basically didn't bring anything, at most they took off valuables such as clothes.

after an hour.

F continent airport.

The Nie family's plane was on standby under the blue sky and white clouds.

Lincoln, who was the leader, slowly stopped at the airport, and the cars behind him also stopped one by one. The most eye-catching one was the medical car that transferred Nie Qixing.

The well-trained bodyguards of the Yinshi family helped the medical staff to lift Nie Qixing out of the stretcher and prepare to push him onto the plane.

At the same time, Nie Qingru also got out of the car, took off her sunglasses and squinted to look at the large plane parked at the airport from a distance, and turned her head to arrange matters to M state.

Everything seems to be uneventful.

Until a deafening explosion exploded on the ground with a 'rumble'!
Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

There was a huge heat wave in the place where the plane was parked, and the flames shot up into the sky. The blue and white smoke covered the sky in an instant, leaving only airtight dust that blocked the previous blue sky and white clouds...

Accompanied by the explosion.

The roiling heat wave scattered around, Nie Qingru only felt a burst of heat rushing towards her face, and her brain didn't even have time to react to the sudden explosion.

All I could hear was the shadow's vigilant shouts buzzing in my ears.

"Quick! Protect the queen!"

"Come here, escort the queen out of here!"

"hurry up!"

Immediately afterwards, someone grabbed her arm and rushed to her, "Queen, it's dangerous here. I'll take you to a safe place first."

Nie Qingru snapped back to her senses and stood motionless on the spot. Her face, which had been exhausted for several days, was livid at the moment, as if it was squeezed out from the depths of her throat: "Who did it?!"

Shadow was afraid that there were other bombs at the airport, so he hurriedly urged her: "Queen, let's go to a safe place first..."

The voice did not fall.

The aftershocks caused by the explosion of the plane continued one after another. While he was speaking, there were two more small explosions. The roar of the explosions was terrifying.

Seeing the successive explosions, Shadow became more and more anxious, and more anxious to let Nie Qingru get in the car first: "Queen..."

Nie Qingru stood there without moving despite his urging, with dark currents surging in her eyes, clenched fists tightly, her complexion extremely ugly.

"Empress, you first..." The shadow urged again.

She finally said coldly: "It's her."


Nie Qingru's shoulders are tense now, her heart is trembling with anger, and her tone is extraordinarily cold: "Who else in F continent has the ability to plant a bomb under my nose?"

(End of this chapter)

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