Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3223 I thought sister Nian was suing behind her back

Chapter 3223 I thought sister Nian was suing behind her back

Yu Wenhao, who had been highly valued by him before, was squeezed into a marginal figure instead.

The great sense of gap still prevented him from holding his breath. When the model was initially completed on the eighth day, he ran to the door of the laboratory to find someone.


Qiao Nian was chatting with Master Cheng about a few small details. Seeing him poking his head at the door, he put away the notebook in his hand and said to Master Cheng, "I'll go back and use the computer to try to build the model. If there is no problem, then Let me tell you..."

"Okay." Of course, Master Cheng also saw Yu Wenhao outside and nodded.

Qiao Nian put away her things, picked up her bag, and left here very casually.

Waiting for her back to fade away.

Yu Wenhao just gritted his teeth, walked into the laboratory, followed Master Cheng, raised his eyes several times and shouted hesitantly: "Teacher..."

"Hey." Master Cheng sighed, and finally put down the databook in his hand, turned to face him, with a kind face, and said gently, "You need me for something?"

Yu Wenhao was quite speechless, took a deep breath, and finally plucked up the courage to raise his head: "Teacher, I want to ask you why you didn't let me participate in the model making this time because I offended Miss Qiao before?"

Master Cheng's wise eyes flashed, and he looked at him seriously: "You think so?"

Yu Wenhao was embarrassed by his sharp gaze, and he didn't dare to meet his eyes, but he kept holding his breath and said: "I've been wondering why you won't let me participate in this project these days. I even asked others to do it, but I couldn’t figure it out! So thinking about what happened before, I didn’t perform well in those few times, and I was wondering...may it be because of this reason...teacher You just alienated me."

Master Cheng really didn't expect that he has been entangled with these these days, and rarely restrained his gentle attitude, with some anger lingering between his brows: "You think it can only be your chance?"

No matter how stupid Yu Wenhao was, he realized that he was angry, and waved his hands in a panic: "That's not what I meant, teacher, I..."

"No, that's what you mean!" Master Cheng let out a foul breath, and told him very resolutely: "You have been expressing this meaning to me from the beginning to the end."

Yu Wenhao's face was pale, biting his lip, unable to defend himself anymore.

Master Cheng was furious and relaxed again, looked at him with eyes that hated iron and steel, and said: "You are indeed talented, and I really want to train you. But now I find that you still need to temper your mind. Narrow mind It won't affect doing experiments, but it will affect whether a scientist is a good person."

A scientist who is narrow-minded and intolerant of others is not a good thing for society, and it is certainly not a good thing for the Nine Institutes.

He wants to train good scientists, but he doesn't want the people he trains to have even basic character problems.

"Think about it for yourself."

Master Cheng didn't want to say too much to him, since he was his student anyway, so he wasn't completely emotionless.

He hoped that Yu Wenhao would think it through himself.

But he still understands why Ye Wangchuan called him out alone to talk about Yu Wenhao that day...

This time, he just didn't give the green light to make the model a little bit, but asked other people to help.

Yu Wenhao came here to block people, and asked whether Qiao Nian had said something in private.

Master Cheng was extremely disappointed in him, ignored Yu Wenhao's flustered expression, took a deep look at him at last, took his things, shook his head and walked away...

(End of this chapter)

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