Chapter 3225 Ready to go

"The ultraviolet light over there is strong, wearing an ice sleeve can prevent the skin from getting sunburned..."

"Nest grass!! 40?!" Qin Si's expression was full of grass.

But Bo Zheng didn't give him a chance to speak, and dragged him inside: "Come with me to help push the luggage."

Luo Qing is Bo Zheng's deputy, so he naturally has to follow.

He hadn't seen Qiao Nian for a long time, so he missed Qiao Nian. He wanted to chat with Qiao Nian more, but he had to say hello to the girl regretfully: "Then Miss Qiao, I went to help too."

"it is good."

Qiao Nian responded.

Luo Qing didn't delay anymore and followed Bo Zheng and Qin Si.

As soon as Qin Si left, the neighborhood became quiet, and there was no more noise like chirping sparrows.

Master Cheng was so quarreled that his brain ached, and now he could relax for a while, so he asked Ye Wangchuan, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Has he always been like this?"

Ye Wangchuan had just pulled his own suitcase. Hearing this, he put the sapphire blue suitcase on his lap, and replied casually: "Students are like this."

"En." Master Cheng nodded thoughtfully.

He remembered that Qin Si also seemed to have graduated from a university of science and technology, and of course he couldn't compare to Ye Wangchuan in terms of resume.

In front of this Young Master Ye, there are very few people who are considered... scumbags.

After all, Ye Wangchuan no longer belongs to the category of academic master, but a genius type, which means that Qiao Nian's talent can be on par with him.

The airport began to broadcast the hourly bulletin.

Seeing this, Ye Wangchuan said to him in a warm voice: "Master Cheng, let's go too."


They also set off on a special plane this time.

Because they represented Jiusuo and Beijing City to participate in the weapons exhibition this time, they did not use the Ye family's private jet, but chose Jiusuo's plane.

The plane leaves at ten o'clock.

At [-]:[-] everyone boarded the plane.

As usual, Qiao Nian found a corner seat by the window and sat down, asked the flight attendant for a blanket and eye mask, and went to bed when she was about to take off.

Qin Si knew that she had a habit of sleeping as soon as she got on the plane, so she didn't pester her this time, but chose to sit with Bo Zheng.

Sitting down, Bo Zheng glared at him and said, "I remember your mother asked me to find you a girlfriend not long ago, what's the matter? There's no one suitable yet?"

Qin Si originally wanted to ask him about overseas affairs, after all Guan Yan was outside all year round.

As a result, before his butt was hot, he heard Bo Zheng talking about family urging marriage, and he suddenly lost interest and perfunctory; "It's so easy to meet the right person, isn't that guy Bao Jingxing still single? I don't have the nerve to look for him before him." object."

Bo Zheng raised his eyebrows noncommittally: "You can almost also consider personal issues, so as not to worry your mother."

Qin Si was afraid that he would go on talking, so he just said haha ​​and changed the subject: "By the way, Uncle Bo, do you think we will encounter danger when we go to M state this time? Even you and the deputy team are here this time. Could it be that this weapons exhibition Is it dangerous? Someone wants to use their brains?"

"Don't think too much." Bo Zheng reached out and patted his shoulder, not wanting to reveal too much.

"Okay." Qin Si is a smart person, and immediately sensed what he meant, so he shut his mouth tactfully and stopped talking.


The people from the Nine Institutes sat behind their positions.

Jiang Tianzhi is taller, so he took the initiative to give up the position inside: "You go in first."

Yu Wenhao also came this time, and declined several times. Seeing that Jiang Tianzhi insisted on giving up his seat, he said thank you and sat down inside by the window.

Jiang Tianzhi waited for him to enter before sitting unhurriedly on the seat outside, then asked the flight attendant for two bottles of water, and handed him one of them.

(End of this chapter)

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