Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3228 Delusion, I think I can save one more time

Chapter 3228 Delusion, I think I can save it again

Nie Qingru said: "You have a good relationship with him."

"Go and see him, he might feel better."

"Yes, I'll go later." Shadow didn't dare to go against her wishes, and he couldn't worry about Nie Qixing when he came again, so he readily agreed.

"Yeah." Nie Qingru's sharp eyebrows were indifferent, not to mention happy or angry, so she turned her head and told him the business: "Is the hotel ready?"

Shadow raised his head: "It has been arranged according to your instructions."

"That's good." She looked pale, her eyes finally brightened, and she said coldly: "Before, she was not easy to touch in Continent F and Independence Continent. But now they have arrived in Continent M, I need to let her know what is going on here. Whose home is it!"

Shadow only crossed his hands in front of him, and always maintained a bowed and respectful posture. He only spoke when Nie Qingru asked him, and he never talked too much...

Nie Qingru was most satisfied with his sense of humor, gracefully took off the wide brim of her hat and handed it to the servant, and walked straight inside.

State M local time at 03:30 pm.

The plane of Master Cheng and his party landed at the airport.

According to the process card issued by the organizer of the arms exhibition, it is very clear that there will be staff responsible for picking up the airport and taking the delegations from various countries to a special hotel.

As soon as the plane landed, everyone got their luggage and prepared to leave the gate.

The majestic oriental face was extremely eye-catching, but Qiao Nian was fine, with his hands in his hands, without a suitcase in his hand, and he was walking in the middle of the crowd wearing a peaked cap covering most of his face.

Except for her slightly stronger personal aura, she is not too noticeable.

But Ye Wangchuan was different.

Although he has an oriental face, handsome and elegant, but with tall legs and long legs, he is destined to stand out from the crowd.

He was not dressed in a high-profile way, with a decorative waistcoat over light-colored casual clothes, and beige trousers that further outlined his pair of proud long legs.

The temperament like the breeze and the moon is even more outstanding, very eye-catching.

At least several blond women couldn't help but turn their heads and glance this way when they passed by them.

"Tsk." Qin Si noticed these looking eyes, put one hand on Qiao Nian's shoulder, and beeped at the luxurious and lazy man very complacently: "Master Wang, your peacock is a little big, That's too much~! Sister Qiao is still here, tsk tsk tsk, let me tell you what's good."

He rolled his eyeballs and thought of a word: "Don't abide by male virtues!"

Qiao Nian pushed his hand away calmly, pulled down his peaked cap, and followed the big army, completely uninterested in what he said about not being a man.

Qin Si was left behind, and when Bo Zheng passed by him, he gave him a sympathetic look, and patted him lightly on the shoulder: "I hope you can still see the sun tomorrow."

"Young Master Qin, you are very courageous. I encourage you mentally. Come on." Luo Qing also smiled and ran fast.

In a blink of an eye, only he and Ye Wangchuan were left at the back, and Qin Si realized that he was talking too fast, and was about to give up.

Who knew that Ye Wangchuan didn't care about him, he pushed the suitcase and followed the person in front, passing him.

Qin Si: "..."

Seeing that he was the last one, Qin Si reacted quickly. He hurriedly pulled up his suitcase and followed him, and put on a hippie smile: "Am I kidding? Sister Qiao didn't respond..."

Ye Wangchuan put one hand in his pocket, the other hand was holding the trolley, squinting sideways at the person beside him who was scratching his head, and Cen Bo's lips uttered: "Modong, you go!" deal."

(End of this chapter)

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