Chapter 3231

Master Cheng also knew it well, even though his neck was red with anger, he refrained from arguing with the other party.

Then a hoarse female voice interjected.

"Since you don't have enough rooms, we'll stay in another hotel. Is that okay?"

The receptionist was startled and instinctively looked over.

When I saw the girl wearing a peaked cap and communicating with her calmly, I was stunned for a moment, and couldn't think of a solution for a while: "Uh... this is not very good, right? The stipulated hotel is here..."

"Which rule? I don't think it was written into the organizer's entry requirements. You just wrote that this hotel is provided as a hotel for staying in."

Qiao Nian was quite impatient: "Since your hotel is not prepared in advance, we will give up the rooms to other teams so that everyone can live more comfortably. What's wrong with that?"

The front desk of the hotel was dumbfounded by her question, and couldn't find a reasonable explanation after stuttering for a long time.

After all, Qiao Nian didn't quarrel with her, so she said in a good manner that she would give up all the rooms... But the order she received before was to stop the pedestrians and make them wait in the hotel lobby for a few hours.

This is obviously not the result she needs to do well.

Seeing that things were about to go out of her control, the front desk of the hotel could only hastily said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask the manager right away."

As she spoke, she pretended to pick up the internal phone, but in fact she dialed an outside number.

In a nursing home.

Nie Qixing's situation is very bad.

He is just like what Nie Qingru said, only one body is still here.

"...That is to say, if Qi Shao continues like this, his body will soon decline?"

"Yes. We can only maintain various indicators for him as far as possible from the perspective of physiological functions, but you should also understand that human survival not only requires external maintenance, but also requires self-rejuvenation. Continue as the patient is now, let alone His limbs have recovered, but he doesn't even have the basic desire to survive. We can't do anything about the situation in front of us."

"I understand."

Shadow bid farewell to Nie Qixing's attending doctor, and went to the garden outside the nursing home to find the man in the wheelchair.

Before the accident, Nie Qixing was not as outstanding as Qin Si and Ye Wangchuan's flamboyant looks, but with his own quality and gentle image, he could be regarded as a young scientist with a bright future.

However, now that he is unshaven and sitting on a wheelchair with dull eyes, he can no longer see the shadow of his handsome appearance not long ago.

If he hadn't been sitting in the most expensive nursing home in M ​​state, based on his current image, people would believe that he was a homeless man.

Shadow watched him become like this from a distance, and it would be a lie to say that he was not uncomfortable.

After all, it is the child who grew up with him.

He couldn't help approaching with light steps: "Young Master Qi, are you feeling better?"

Nie Qixing didn't even move his eyes, and sat there numbly, as if he couldn't hear the sound of the outside world. If it wasn't for the arc of breathing in his chest, he would even look like a dead person.

It's not an exaggeration to look haggard!
Shadow suppressed his breathing, his chest was pulled badly, and he didn't know what to say to him for a while, so he just stood there, followed his gaze, and stood with him for half an hour.

At this time, his mobile phone rang.

At first, the shadow was hindered by Nie Qixing, so he hung up once.

But the other party persisted in calling, he glanced at the incoming call, and still chose to say to the person in the wheelchair: "Young Master Qi, I'll answer the call."

Nie Qixing didn't say anything, but he looked in his direction anyway.

I saw the shadow hurried away to answer the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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