Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3250 Continent F gave up participating this time

Chapter 3250 Continent F gave up participating this time

Nie Qixing narrowed his eyes, thinking of something, he turned his head and said something to Zhou Zheng.

"Qi, Young Master this inappropriate? Your sister didn't agree, if we keep it from her...I'm afraid..." Zhou Zheng was so frightened that his face turned pale on the spot.

Nie Qixing held the handle of the wheelchair, made up his mind, and said coldly: "I will bear all the consequences myself. Just do as I say!"

Meanwhile, in the hotel.

Qiao Nian also got up.

It was just that she was woken up abruptly by the alarm clock, so that when she sat up, the back of her head was still buzzing, and she had a headache.

As one of the entourage of this weapons exhibition, Qiao Nian himself was not considered a participant, so he was not in a hurry to go to the exhibition hall.

Instead, after getting up, he took a shower to clear his mind, then dried his hair and tied it up, and picked up the peaked cap and put it on.

It was only nine o'clock when she finished tidying up and went out.

As Qiao Nian went out, she ran into Qin Si, Bo Zheng and the others at the elevator entrance.

When Luo Qing saw her, he greeted her carelessly: "Ms. Qiao, good morning."

"Morning." Qiao Nian replied casually, and greeted Bo Zheng and Qin Si by the way.

Qin Si immediately looked behind her, but didn't see a familiar figure, and shouted, "Sister Qiao, why aren't you with Master Wang?"

"He sent the model to the exhibition hall together with Master Cheng." Qiao Nian got up in the morning and received someone's WeChat message, so he put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall, waiting for the elevator to come.

She already had long legs, and she leaned there leisurely with her hands in her pockets, as cool as she could be, Qin Si couldn't help being envious: "I said boss...can you stop exuding your charm?"

MD is so cool, is there still room for a group of old men?
Qiao Nian just slightly raised her eyelids, and glanced at him with black and white eyes, she glanced at him without understanding, her throat was still rolling down slightly, and she casually raised her voice, "En?"

Qin Si directly raised his hands in surrender, wailing, "Just pretend I didn't say anything!"

Just in time for the elevator to arrive.

Qiao Nian ignored half of what he said, stood up straight, and turned to Bo Zheng and Luo Qing, "You guys are going to the exhibition hall too? Let's go together."

"Okay." Bo Zheng had a smile in his eyes, shrugged his shoulders, and had no objection.

"Miss Qiao, let's go." Luo Qing took the initiative to jump into the elevator first and help the girl press the open and close button, lest the elevator close before Qiao Nian entered.

Qiao Nian touched the bridge of his nose and was the third to go in.

Only Qin Si was left outside.

Luo Qing withdrew his hand very shamelessly, and was not as enthusiastic towards him as Qiao Nian: "Young Master Qin, won't you come in?"

"Damn, you can call me by my name, can you not add a small character in front!" Qin Si cursed, but entered the elevator honestly.

Luo Qing pressed the button for the first floor, and the elevator dinged and closed the door.

There are already many people gathered in the exhibition hall on the first floor.

It's no wonder so many people came.

This weapons exhibition is considered to have the highest specification and the largest number of participating regions, covering almost all continents and oceans.

Only the illegal areas and independent states, which are three-way areas, did not participate, and all other areas that could come came.

There are also people from f continent.

It's just that they are not from Daji and the dark castle.

The fact that the two major powers from Continent F didn't show up didn't seem to be enough to watch, and the other participating regions completely regarded them as cannon fodder.

They themselves are also holding the attitude of playing, mainly to see what good things are in other areas.

(End of this chapter)

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