Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3253 Only use strength to give them a resounding slap in the face

Chapter 3253 Only use strength to give them a resounding slap in the face
In Li Xin's generation, he is more like his grandfather. Although he has brown eyes, he retains his yellow skin and black hair.

He has been troubled by this since he was a child, and feels that it is his appearance that cannot be integrated into the local life.

He redoubled his efforts and only got to the point where he is now, and many researches at the confidential level are still out of his reach.

He thinks that appearance is to blame, so he especially hates people with the same appearance characteristics.

Seeing Qiao Nian dare to bet with him.

He didn't care about the spirit of a gentleman, and said viciously: "I bet, why don't I bet?"

There was an uproar all around.

No one expected that in just a few minutes, it would become a gamble between No.3 and No.3 from the bottom.

Li Xin is not stupid, or he is too shrewd and afraid of losing himself.As soon as the voice changed, he immediately said, "But I want to change my bet."

"You are not a scientist yourself. If I make you unable to participate in the competition for three years, it will be no loss for you at all."

Qin Si rubbed his swollen temples, and gave him a thumbs up in public: "You cow!"

Is Qiao Nian a member of the circle?
Who gave him the courage to say this?
Does the First Research Institute of Independent Continent agree with him?
He is still afraid that he will lose money in this gamble, he is really... so ignorant!

Li Xin only thought that he was seen through by him, and was furious, so he said to Qiao Nian more confidently: "If you lose, I ask you to kneel down in public and apologize to me! And admit that you in Beijing are not as good as others!"

This request is far too much.

The request Qiao Nian said was only aimed at him personally, and the request he made was obviously intended to humiliate the entire Beijing team, including Master Cheng...

The virtue of respecting the old and loving the young is also emphasized in the scientific research circle. Master Cheng has been famous for a long time and belongs to the old predecessors.He didn't even have any respect at all!
Qiao Nian's eyes darkened, and she agreed without hesitation: "OK."

As soon as the No.3 and penultimate bets spread, they quickly spread to ten, ten to hundreds.

Qiao Nian and the others received a lot of sympathetic looks along the way, and some teams who had a good relationship with them came over to care and advised them to forget about it.

This kind of thing will pass if you admit defeat and give up.

As a man, Li Xin is probably embarrassed to embarrass a girl in front of so many people.

But this time, from Qin Si to Bo Zheng, everyone in the Beijing team has a unified attitude, that is, they want to fight Li Xin and the others to the end!

After a while, Master Cheng and the others came back.

This time the commotion was so big, Master Cheng soon heard about the gambling game, his eyes darkened immediately, and he said very angrily: "This Li Xin has come to the Ninth Institute for exchange and study before, and the photoelectric theory he introduced not long ago is still the same. It was completed in cooperation with the Ninth Institute. I didn't expect him to turn his face and deny anyone when he returned! What a white-eyed wolf."

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows dismissively: "Naturally, some people just look down on us and Beijing from the bottom of their hearts."

When Master Cheng heard this, his heart was inevitably heavy.

The complex emotions of angry, aggrieved, and uncomfortable wanting to argue with others piled up in his chest, making him unable to breathe.

Ye Wangchuan seemed to see the anger on his face, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said calmly: "It doesn't matter. They think whatever they like, we just need to be ourselves. The best way to fight back against these people is to Give them a slap in the face with absolute strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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