Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3256 Nie Qixing wants to be number one by default?

Chapter 3256 Nie Qixing wants to be number one?

All eight judges were present, and it happened to be exactly ten o'clock when the weapons exhibition started.

So the group was led by Auburn.

Others followed behind and began to look from Hall 1...

Country M has always achieved good results in weapons exhibitions, and this time it also successfully won the absolute dominant position in the No. [-] ranking, leaving other participating regions behind.

Compared with the No. 18 position in the bottom three in Beijing, Nie Qixing's starting point this time is not low.

As the judges led by Mr. Auburn came to their exhibition hall, Nie Qixing took the lead to greet the old man who came over: "Mr. Auburn."

He first called the old man in a familiar tone, and greeted the woman walking at the end of the line in a gentlemanly way without tilting his head: "Daisy."

His actions undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people.

The people in the exhibition halls 2 and 3 next to them all saw this scene and started whispering.

"He did know Mr. Oban."

"I really envy his social circle."


On the 3rd position.

Li Xin also saw this scene, and let go of his restless heart. He turned his head and whispered to the people around him: "Look, I'm not wrong. This time, the number one default is definitely M country!"

The bearded man frowned, feeling uncomfortable: "Isn't this cheating?"

However, Li Xin said disapprovingly: "He has this network, what can he do? You have this network, why don't you use it? Idiots don't need it."

And he was right.

The bearded man remained silent.

Li Xin seemed to see Qiao Nian knelt down to admit his mistake, raised the corner of his mouth, and whispered in an excited voice: "Let's have a look, let's see their results first."

There were so many discussions all around, it was impossible for the hale and hearty old man not to hear them.

He frowned fiercely at the moment, ignored Nie Qixing's intentionally warm attitude, and said calmly: "Let me introduce your model."

Nie Qixing could feel the sense of distance he showed, and his expression froze. He quickly adjusted his state, and introduced their models to the judges energetically.

What they developed this time is an electromagnetic gun.

Different from the traditional cannon, which uses gunpowder gas pressure to act on the projectile, the electromagnetic gun uses the ampere force generated by the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system to accelerate the metal projectile, which can greatly increase the speed and range of the projectile.

The key is that this is definitely the most cutting-edge weapon research direction at the moment, and there are no related results on the market yet.

Nie Qixing is very familiar with this field. He explained their models to the judges clearly and clearly, and used the LED screen to show the 3D models they made.

The effect is amazing.

Even Mr. Auburn frowned at the beginning and then gradually relaxed his brows, and asked him several professional questions.

Nie Qixing seemed to be well prepared this time, and answered them one by one.

Not only answered, but also answered very beautifully!

Nie Qingru's face, which had been cold for several days, showed a rare expression of satisfaction, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he interrupted: "This project is an idea proposed by Qixing ten years ago. It took two years to complete the production. Even his teacher praised him for his talent."

"Hmm." The silver-haired old man rarely refuted her words this time. Although Mr. Auburn still had a mostly indifferent expression on his face, there was still some approval in it: "It's a little talent."

(End of this chapter)

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