Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3258 She will never give up the chance to trip up sister Nian

Chapter 3258 She will never give up the chance to trip up sister Nian
Nie Qixing, as No. 1, scored an A+ against the sky from the very beginning, which undoubtedly made the people behind give up the idea of ​​competing for the first place.

Everyone set their sights on the second place, acquiescing that the first place this year is the delegation of country m.

The corners of Nie Qingru's mouth were filled with a little pride.

Next is number 2.

Because Nie Qixing and the others set their heads too high, what No. 2 brought out was neither good nor bad. In the previous weapons exhibitions, at least they could get above-average results.

But because Nie Qixing and his electromagnetic guns were in front, it seemed that what No. 2 brought out was not so attractive.

The final overall rating is a B.

Didn't even get a B+.

This undoubtedly made Li Xin nervous. After all, the things they brought to the exhibition this time were strictly at the same level as No. 2.

A group of people came over soon.

Li Xin was very nervous, and introduced his own things to the judges together with the old professor Ryan.


The judges were all indifferent, including Mr. Auburn, they seemed to be not very interested, just listening to their introductions routinely...

Their grades are not too high for the naked eye!

Just when Li Xin was extremely nervous.

A man in black clothes and trousers walked quickly to Nie Qingru's side and whispered something in her ear.

I saw Nie Qingru gently raised her eyelids and looked towards Li Xin, with a half-smile at the corner of her mouth, before the judges were about to give out the scores.

She suddenly said, "This photon project is not easy, is it?"

Seeing that she was talking to him, Li Xin was stunned for a moment, his heart was pounding, he swallowed his saliva and replied: "Uh, it took some effort."

"Well, you guys are doing a good job. The Hermit family is also working on this project, and the progress so far is still a bit behind you."

Nie Qingru mentioned the Hidden Family without arrogance or impetuosity. It seemed that he only praised Li Xin's project. In fact, several of the judges present had heard about the gambling.

She mentioned the Hermit Family.

There were three or four judges who had already written their scores in their notebooks, and then crossed them out with a pen. After thinking about it, they raised another point.

It's not a big deal for one person to change the score, but three or four people can change the score at the same time. With only 8 judges, it's easy for her to influence the score.

Sure enough, except Mr. Auburn who gave a pertinent B, the others were more or less influenced by Nie Qingru and gave slightly higher grades.

In the end, Li Xin and the others got an A-.

It is half a point more than that of Exhibition Hall 2.

Although the difference is only half a point, but from the perspective of level, it is a world of difference!

When Mr. Auburn saw the final result, he undoubtedly did not agree with it, but the result has already come out, unless he uses a veto.

Otherwise, it is impossible to change the score.

He was the last to enter the exhibition hall, so he didn't know about the gamble that happened before. It was only when Nie Qingru met Li Xin and the others that he said unhappy before leaving: "I hope that next time, no one will have a bad conversation before the result comes out." Related topic!"

These words didn't seem serious, but they hit Nie Qingru's face neither lightly nor seriously, and it was quite disrespectful to Nie Qingru, the empress of the hermit family.

It's just that she didn't tell her not to interfere with the result.

Nie Qingru's expression froze, and she suppressed the anger in her chest. In order to see Qiao Nian's joke, she still reluctantly followed.


No one in the next 14 exhibition halls has ever gotten a high score.

(End of this chapter)

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