Chapter 3267 The Queen Has Gone
Hearing Nie Qixing's hoarse questioning at this moment, everyone was stunned.

"What does he mean? I heard him mean that he is in a wheelchair and has something to do with the entourage of Beijing City?"

"Who is this person? Didn't Nie Qixing have the backing of the Hidden Family?"

"She actually has the ability to make Nie Qixing into what he is now? Could it be a mistake?"

Whispering discussions reached Li Xin not far away, who was struggling with how to apologize to Master Cheng. He turned his head and saw Nie Qixing falling back into the wheelchair because of his weakness. Saved his face, took Master Cheng's hand and apologized solemnly.


the other side.

After Nie Qixing fell back into the wheelchair, he watched the girl walk away.

There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, but his whole face was extremely distorted and sinister, his eyes fixed on the direction the girl left, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, ready to pounce and bite at any time.

Qiao Nian walked in front, but Ye Fanchuan didn't leave right away.

Before he left, he noticed Nie Qixing's unusual eyes, paused his steps, and warned him softly: "I advise you not to use your brains, otherwise the Hermit Family may not be able to keep you."

When Nie Qixing heard him talking to him, he realized that Ye Wangchuan hadn't left.

He lowered his eyes, and then sneered: "Oh? Are you so confident that the Hidden Family can't keep me?"

Ye Wangchuan glanced across his face, and landed on his injured foot again, the corners of his lips curved into a half-smile: "The facts are obvious!"

Ever since he became disabled, Nie Qixing has been extremely sensitive to the way others look at his legs and eyes, and he immediately noticed where Ye Wangchuan was looking.

He seemed to be stepped on by a poisonous snake seven inches, he had to retract his fangs, and his expression became gloomy and silent.

Ye Wangchuan himself didn't want to talk to him, but he just looked at him strangely, so he stopped to warn him.

Now that the other party understood what he meant, he didn't stay any longer, followed the direction Qiao Nian left, and left quickly.

"Young Master Qi."

At this time, the shadow came up and found Nie Qixing sitting in the middle of the exhibition hall, and came quickly to push the wheelchair for him.

Nie Qixing suppressed the haze in his eyes, and asked softly, "Where's my sister?"

Shadow guessed that he would ask Nie Qingru, pursed his lower lip, and told him silently: "The empress has left first."

Nie Qixing clenched his hands on his lap, his gloomy expression became mocking and painful, and was soon replaced by more resentment.

He stopped talking, letting the shadow push him out of the crowd.

The elevator entrance outside.

The girl who walked out of the exhibition hall not far away was looking down at her phone, as if she was replying to a message.

Ye Wangchuan walked over, stopped beside her, and said with sideways eyes: "Be careful recently, Nie Qixing doesn't seem to want to let it go."

Qiao Nian had just finished replying to Guan Yan's news, hummed, seemed to have come to his senses, looked at him with black and white eyes, and said calmly: "Nie Qingru will take good care of him, at least he won't let him provoke me during this period of time."

The truth is this truth.

Ye Wangchuan always has a feeling that things are not so simple.

However, he didn't find out what Nie Qixing was doing behind the scenes for the time being, and it was just a psychological effect, so he didn't continue this topic.He was looking down and wanted to ask her when she would return to Beijing...

Instead, Qiao Nian suddenly received a call at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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