Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3270 Sister Nian: She didn't imitate me

Chapter 3270 Sister Nian: She didn't imitate me

Slender Waist Control took the phone away again, and zoomed in on the photo he took to look at it. The facial features of the woman in the photo are definitely not as stunning as Sun, but at least they are five points similar.

Ordinary people are considered fate even if they are three points similar.

This one has five points.

Also called like?

"Her eyes are not like yours, but her nose, mouth, and face look very similar. The key is that she is imitating your temperament."

"No, she didn't imitate me either."

The woman in the photo is clearly imitating another person.

Qiao Nian didn't explain too much to him, just said: "You keep watching this side for me, if there is anything, send me a message."

She seems to have discovered a secret.

Even Nie Qingru may not know this secret.

Qiao Nian told him how to keep an eye on him, and told him to be careful outside, and to call himself if something happened, and if he didn't get through, ask him to call Ye Wangchuan.

Slender Waist responded one by one with his mouth, but in the end he still couldn't help muttering: "Boss, do you trust him too much?"

He was sent by Qiao Nian to teach Ye Qichen before, and he stayed in the Ye family's old house for more than half a year. Only a few days ago, Qiao Nian called him to M state to perform the task.

He knew the Ye family's attitude towards his family's boss from old to young, and he just set off firecrackers to write his family's boss into the genealogy.

However, Slender Waist Control always feels that Qiao Nian is good at other aspects. After all, he is still young and emotionally impulsive. If he regrets it in the future...

So out of this mentality, he only mentioned one sentence.

Who knew that the girl's tone of voice was unhurried, and she responded very calmly: "Well, I believe him."

"Okay, pretend I didn't say it." Siao Yaokong is a smart person, and he immediately understood what she meant, so he identified a person.

He's not a gossip either, he just mentioned it a little out of his elder brother's concern for his sister.

Since Sun himself is a smart person and understands what he means, and expresses his attitude, he naturally has nothing to say.

"Then I'll keep watching this side for you, and you should be careful yourself."


Qiao Nian has always been cool, not the kind of person who talks a lot.

"Then I'll hang up first, and I'll contact you later if I have anything to do." It wasn't the first day that Xiao Yaokong knew her, so he didn't tell her.

He hangs up first.

Looking back at the bucket noodles that I had already soaked and turned pale and could not be eaten at all, I was heartbroken for a while, and threw the instant noodles into the nearby trash can with hatred.

Then he grabbed the bird's feathers depressed, turned his head and leisurely walked to the convenience store on the side of the road, planning to buy another bucket of instant noodles, and continue to stare at another place.

On the other side, Ye Wangchuan had been waiting in front of the elevator for almost half an hour before he saw the girl walking back slowly.

He stood up slightly, without complaining at all, lowered his eyes slightly, his thick and long eyelashes formed a light shadow like wings under the eyelids: "It's over."

Qiao Nian didn't expect that he was still waiting for her here, she was stunned for a while, and looked up: "You didn't go up?"

"Wait for you." Ye Wangchuan looked at the time on his watch, it was 27 minutes, and she had been on the phone for nearly half an hour, so something happened.

But he didn't ask what happened to Qiao Nian, but stepped forward and pressed the elevator button, and said to her, "Master Cheng and the others have already gone up, what are you going to have for lunch?"

"It will be all right."

Qiao Nian is still thinking about the photos that Slim Waist Control sent her, so she is a little absent-minded.

(End of this chapter)

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