Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3276 Leave him alone, he is called sentient drinking water

Chapter 3276 Leave him alone, he is called sentient drinking water
Bo Zheng made a few phone calls, and quickly decided on the time to go back. He put down the phone and said to the girl, "Nine o'clock tomorrow morning?"

"Yes." Qiao Nian had already taken out the takeaway, opened the box, and the rich aroma of red oil filled the room, whetting the appetite.

She took out the disposable chopsticks from the bag and tore them open, then started to eat.

Qiao Nian is not pretentious when eating, and the speed of eating is not slow but also gives people a gentle and calm feeling, which is quite serious.

Qin Si saw her start to eat, so he took the initiative to say: "I'm going to eat something too, I'm hungry. Which of you will go with me?"

Luo Qing smelled the aroma of roast duck in the room, and was already hungry, so he was the first to raise his hand: "Me."

Bo Zheng was not as hungry as they were. He looked down at the time on his watch, got up and said to Qin Si and the others, "Let's go together."

The three of them were going to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

Before leaving, Bo Zheng remembered the people left in the room, and turned his head to look over: "Aren't you together?"

Ye Wangchuan put his hands behind his head and lazily replied: "You guys go."

Qin Si couldn't see his embarrassing appearance, so he pulled Bo Zheng up, beeping angrily: "Uncle Bo, leave him alone, he's so affectionate and full of water..."

As the voices of the three faded away.

There was a 'click' sound of closing the door, and the bustling room finally became quiet.

Only then did Ye Wangchuan walk up to the girl who was buried in her meal, and she raised her eyes and smiled: "Shen Qiao really intends to let me drink enough water?"

Qiao Nian didn't even raise his eyelids, picked up the remaining pair of chopsticks in the bag and threw it to him, then pouted, casually: "There is still a bowl in the bag, take it yourself."

Ye Wangchuan sat down opposite her, and sure enough, he saw that there was another copy inside, which seemed to have been prepared for him long ago, just waiting for him to speak.

He raised his eyebrows and took it. He didn't think it was an ordinary takeaway. He opened the box naturally, and was a little surprised to see the neatly packed roast duck inside: "...BJ roast duck?"

There is actually a takeaway of BJ's roast duck in M ​​state.

Qiao Nian had already finished his share, and his stomach was half full, so he put down his chopsticks, unscrewed the water and took a sip, then leaned back: "Small Waist Control sent it, I don't know where he found it."

The food in M ​​state is really too little, every day except for steak and salad, it's okay to eat once in a while, but after eating for several days in a row, she feels restless.

She didn't know where Slender Waist Control found the shop selling authentic BJ roast duck, but it solved her urgent need.

Otherwise, she would starve to death here.

Thin waist control here?Ye Wangchuan grasped the point of her words, and remembered the person who called her while waiting for the elevator.

There is a high probability that it is one of the main members of the Hongmeng, Chenchen's computer teacher...

The next day.

9 am flight.

At 07:30, everyone got up on time, packed up and prepared to go to the airport.

Master Cheng was the oldest and woke up the earliest. He had breakfast early with a few people from the Ninth Institute, packed his luggage and waited for Qiao Nian and the others to come down.

Qiao Nian didn't have any luggage to pack. He only brought a charging cable, a computer and two changes of clothes. He quickly packed his backpack and prepared to go down to meet Master Cheng.

On the way, she also ran into Bo Zheng and Qin Si who came out together, and the three of them simply went down together.

in the elevator.

Qin Si was a restless talker, and was telling Bo Zheng why Luo Qing wasn't with him.

Bo Zhengcai said that Luo Qing was with Master Cheng and the others and was responsible for protecting Master Cheng's safety. The next second his cell phone rang in the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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