Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3279 Come to someone to help me hold Master Cheng

Chapter 3279 Come to someone to help me hold Master Cheng

Qiao Nian fired a single shot before, which was enough to calm down most of the people who wanted to watch.

Many people saw that she was not easy to mess with, and fearing that they would get angry, they stopped watching and dragged their friends to hide away.

So there are not many people around Master Cheng at the moment.

Slender Waist Control walked through the lobby, turned into the corridor where Qiao Nian had sent him the location, and soon saw them at the corner, and immediately ran towards them.


The bird feathers on his head were so bright that Jiang Tianzhi and the others immediately became vigilant.

At this moment, Qiao Nian patted Jiang Tianzhi's shoulder from behind, and said to Luo Qing, who was touching the gun on his waist, "My man."

Most of the vigilance in Luo Qing's eyes disappeared in an instant, and he let the slender-waisted control pass through him with a bird's feather on his head and went straight to the girl without making a sound.

"Well, what you want."

As soon as the slender waist control arrived, he stuffed the bag in his hand.

It was only then that everyone noticed that he also brought a plastic bag, which looked crumpled and didn't know what was in it.

Qiao Nian took the plastic bag and opened it to check the contents. It was the ones she had brought over the phone, so she turned around and squatted next to Master Cheng.

She called out softly first.

Master Cheng's consciousness was very vague, but it could be seen that he was struggling to persevere, and he touched his mouth lightly, as if he wanted to struggle: "No, I won't go to the hospital."

"My... my bag."

"Get the...bag."

This sentence has been saying since he became unconscious.

Qiao Nian's heart tightened, and an indescribable feeling surged in her chest. She leaned over and touched the body temperature of the almost unconscious old man with her hand.

piping hot.

People are basically completely unconscious in this situation.

He kept talking.

It can be seen that it is all relying on my own willpower, and I am too concerned about this matter, it is too important, so I have been forcing myself to not completely fall into a coma.


Qiao Nian heard his vague voice and knew what he was worried about.

Master Cheng has the Tsar's modeling data in his luggage. He is afraid that these data will fall into other people's hands, so he has been worried.

"Deputy Team Luo is standing guard, no one will move your luggage."

When Master Cheng was going to the bathroom this time, an accident happened suddenly.

Originally, Luo Qing had been following him, but the bathroom was not far from here, and Master Cheng was going to the bathroom after all, so Luo Qing didn't have the nerve to insist on following.

Who knew it was an accident!

The specific Qiao Nian has seen the surveillance.

The man was very arrogant, he just put on a hat and a mask to cover his face, then when Master Cheng came out of the bathroom, he rushed forward and stabbed Master Cheng in the stomach.

Then he drew the knife and ran away without looking back.

It happened very suddenly at that time, and there were still many people on the way to the bathroom. Everyone was stunned by this scene, and even forgot to arrest them.

It was also because this incident happened in public at that time, so many onlookers gathered very quickly.

As a result, Jiang Tianzhi and the others couldn't drive these people away.

Qiao Nian looked at the semi-conscious old man who was still muttering about his suitcase, as if life and death were not as important to him as the contents of the suitcase.

Qiao Nian pursed her lips, stopped talking, and quickly took out the contents of the bag with her hands, which contained alcohol, gauze, and needle distillers.

I don't know how the slender waist control got these things in a short time and rushed to the hotel.

Qiao Nian took a cotton swab in one hand, bit open the cap of the alcohol bottle, and called out in a deep voice, "Come someone to hold down Master Cheng for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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