Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3283 You don't know what you did?

Chapter 3283 You don't know what you did?
Queen's villa.

Nie Qingru has been receiving a steady stream of news since early in the morning.

"Empress, Qiao Nian shot at the hotel."

"Empress, Yaomen's people adjusted the helicopter to land at the hotel."

"Empress, I have found out that it was Master Cheng from Beijing who was suddenly stabbed in the corridor of the hotel, and his life and death are unknown now."

Every piece of news hit Nie Qingru's heart like a drumbeat, and as more and more news came, she became extremely pale and asked someone to find Nie Qixing.

During the period, she was also waiting for Qiao Nian and Jing Shi's reaction.

But from morning to noon, the hotel was extremely quiet.

She thought that Qiao Nian would check the nearby surveillance cameras non-stop, and even sent someone to destroy the surveillance cameras at nearby intersections immediately, and cleaned up all possible clues, so as to ensure that even if Qiao Nian had the best ability, he would not be able to find anything. thing.

Wait until she's done.

Nie Qixing finally arrived late.

He was still sitting in a wheelchair, looking the same as usual: "Sister, are you looking for me?"

The shadow was standing behind the sofa where Nie Qingru was sitting. He had kept his head down, not daring to speak.

Until now, seeing Nie Qixing coming over, he seemed to be fine and asked the queen why she wanted him.

An anxious expression appeared between his brows. He looked first at Nie Qixing, then at Nie Qingru, and moved his mouth, as if he really wanted to remind Nie Qixing something.

But it was too late.

The woman who had been sitting gracefully on the sofa and orderly arranged her subordinates to destroy the evidence suddenly jumped up, ran to Nie Qixing, raised her hand without saying a word, and slapped him hard.

'Snapped! '

The crisp sound was heard throughout the villa.

Nie Qixing's entire face was slapped to the left, and his ears were buzzing. The huge impact even made the corner of his mouth break, and the smell of rust and blood immediately rose from his mouth...

In the next second, he felt a tingling pain from his cheek, which was hot and swollen, and he could feel the swelling on the left side of his cheek without touching it with his hands.

"Empress!" The shadow came to his senses at this moment, hurried over to stop Nie Qingru's second slap, and pleaded sadly: "Qi Shao, he just came back from the gate of hell, and his body hasn't recovered yet, calm down, don't be angry. "

Nie Qingru was stopped by him desperately so he didn't attack him, but his face was ashen, and he was so angry: "If I knew what he was like, I might as well let him die in Continent F, and why go save him!"

Shadow had no choice but to desperately beg her for Nie Qixing: "Calm down, Qi Shao is still young after all, it's normal for him to be ignorant..."

This sentence happened to step on Nie Qingru's back. Although she didn't intend to continue beating people, she didn't have a good face and said, "He's young? He's in his thirties now. I won't say who he is with." Bi, just that Qiao Nian, how old is he? He's only 20 years old. He's not even half as good as him!"

Nie Qixing's face turned pale when he heard what Nie Qingru said in extreme anger. He suddenly looked at her and grabbed the armrest of the wheelchair with his hands: "So, what did I do? Are you so angry?"

Shadow didn't expect him to add fuel to the flames at this time, so frightened, he hurriedly turned around and sternly stopped him: "Young Master Qi, stop talking!"

But it was too late.

Nie Qingru's anger that had been suppressed with great difficulty was easily aroused. She turned her head and stared at him with a mocking expression: "You don't know what you did?"

(End of this chapter)

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