Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3285 Sister Nian started to make a move

Chapter 3285 Sister Nian started to make a move
"This is state M..." Nie Qingru could only think of this reason, but she didn't even believe it.

Nie Qixing just answered: "There is nothing to worry about, this is our territory~ not her Continent F!"

Nie Qingru looked up and saw the undisguised disgust and contempt on his face, and the migraine that had been relieved so hard started to hurt again.

Seeing this, Shadow hurriedly interjected: "By the way, Empress, the news of Master Cheng's attack has spread all over the hotel. As the leader of this weapons exhibition, do you want someone to visit?"

Nie Qingru thought of the unobtrusive but unpredictable young man in the Beijing team, her eyelids twitched, and she raised her hand to tell him: "Go to my warehouse and find some expensive gifts to send over. Speak softly."


Shadow knew what she meant.

What the queen meant was to take the opportunity of visiting and give them some gifts to express their concern, and it was also a disguised gesture, hoping that the other party would not pursue it.

He's about to do it.

Nie Qingru stopped him again: "Wait a minute."

Shadow stopped, turned around and stood up again: "Queen, what else do you want to order?"

Nie Qingru rested his hand on the table and knocked on it. He always felt unspeakable uneasiness and irritability in his heart. He frowned and thought about it: "Ask the people in Beijing to see if they need our help. If necessary, transfer our experts to them."

Shadow quickly looked up at her, then immediately lowered his head: "Yes, I'll do it right away."

After Nie Qixing waited for him to leave, he still said incomprehensibly: "Sister, isn't she a master of physics in Beijing, is it necessary for us to do this?"

Nie Qingru was annoyed seeing him now, and her face was full of displeasure: "You think I'm here to save him?"

Nie Qixing stopped talking immediately, but his drooping hair covered his hostile eyes, and he quietly clenched his hands.

——This is state M, he didn't believe that Qiao Nian would dare to turn against them for the sake of becoming a master regardless of the consequences.

Nie Qingru was not in the mood to care about him, she looked away without even looking at him, and was still thinking about what Qiao Nian wanted to do.

The answer to this question will soon surface.

Yesterday, Shadow went to the hotel to give gifts but hit a wall and came back. Nie Qingru was still not sure what Qiao Nian wanted to do.

Wait until the people from the Privy Council come to the door.

She soon knew what Qiao Nian was thinking.

Nie Qingru's car drove into the branch of the Privy Council in M ​​state, and people bowed and greeted them along the way.

Nie Qingru ignored it alone, stepped on the light and shadow and walked quickly inside, walked through the deep corridor, and finally came to a gate.

Without her ordering, the shadow following her immediately stepped forward and opened the door.

The double doors opened, and the light from inside followed.

Nie Qingru walked in against the light, his eyes adapted to the strong light, and soon saw several elders of the Privy Council sitting at the round conference table.

Under everyone's gaze, she walked to the top seat with a blank expression and sat down.

The doors of the council hall were also closed.

"Empress, your coffee." A servant brought coffee to her, put it on the table beside her, and stepped back gently.

Nie Qingru picked up the porcelain-white cup and blew on it. Before she drank, someone lost her breath and took the lead in attacking——

"Empress, it has been rumored that Young Master Nie raised a woman outside these two days... Is this true?"


This rumor has been circulating since yesterday.

I don't know what happened, but it quickly spread throughout the upper circles in M ​​State.

(End of this chapter)

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