Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3294 Only then did I know that the Privy Council received an identical photo

Chapter 3294 Only then did I know that the Privy Council received an identical photo
Hearing what she said, Ying Ying was relieved, and quickly agreed: "Yes, I will find someone to do it right away, and I will definitely delete the photos."


Nie Qingru responded calmly and hung up the phone.


Nie Qingru hung up the phone, and read the unnamed text message she received in the morning again, her eyes narrowed slightly, a little ruthless.

She raised her legs and returned to the living room, sitting down on the sofa.

Then he took the phone and sent a message back to the other party.

She didn't hide it either, and even questioned it because of the aroused anger.

——【Qiao Nian, what on earth do you want to do! 】

Nie Qingru looked at the successfully sent text message on the phone, with a cold face, and was about to put the phone down. After all, with that wicked character, the chance of replying to her was basically zero.

Who knew that she hadn't picked up the red wine glass on the table when the phone buzzed and vibrated.

Nie Qingru looked at an extra unread text message on the screen, held the phone in front of her again, and opened it.

Still the same nameless number.

——【It's nothing, I just want to see the dog jumping over the wall in a hurry. 】

In front of Nie Qingru's eyes, there seemed to be a girl's playful and rebellious face, and her unscrupulous eyes seemed to be staring at herself.

The blood flowed backwards all over her body, and a burst of fire that was stirred up went straight to the top of the sky again, causing the nerves at the back of her head to twitch and ache.

"evil creature!"

What she hates the most is the arrogance of the Ji family, as if they don't take anyone seriously, their incomparable arrogance.

Makes one want to knock them out of the mud, to see them in pain, to see them kneel down and beg for mercy...

Nie Qingru was not in the mood to think about it at the moment, with a cold face and a faint uneasiness in her heart. She always felt that Qiao Nian couldn't just put the photo on the forum and forget it.

She was about to make a phone call and ask what the other party wanted to do.

One call and it came in.

Nie Qingru glanced at the incoming call, raised her dark eyebrows, and put the phone to her ear: "Old Xue, what do you want me for?"

"The Privy Council received a stack of photos early in the morning. The person in the photo does not match the person brought by the shadow yesterday. Do you have time to come over, Empress? The elders want a reasonable explanation."

Yesterday Nie Qingru asked Shadow to randomly find a scapegoat to give an 'accountance' to a bunch of people in the Privy Council.

In a blink of an eye, this 'confession' became a joke.

And it became the reason why she had to explain it to a group of people in the Privy Council in person today!
Nie Qingru almost smashed the phone, her temples throbbed violently, she managed to hold her breath, and said coldly, "I see."

"I'll go there."

Mr. Xue hung up the phone.

Nie Qingru put the phone away, but fortunately, she received the only good news from Shadow in the past two days: [Queen, I have asked someone to delete the photos on the Internet. ]
Nie Qingru picked up the phone, turned her head and said to the housekeeper, "Get ready for the car, I'm going to the Privy Council."



Nie Qingru's car drove into the gate of the Privy Council again.

This time is different from last time.

The people in the Privy Council all showed indescribable expressions when they saw her. There was less fear in their eyes, and more gossip and inquiry...

The Queen's status has always been unattainable.

Nie Qingru has long been used to being feared by others, instead of even these little characters daring to sneak a peek at her like now.

She made her way into the council hall.

Except for a few elders, there were no outsiders in the council hall.

Nie Qingru walked in and sat in her seat.

(End of this chapter)

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