Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3299 If you drag on, you won't even give her the chance to choose

Chapter 3299 If you drag on, you won't even give her the chance to choose

"?" Qin Si's expression became even more puzzled.

Pictures of old hags?

Why did sister Qiao send the photo of the old hag to the Privy Council?
Only Gu San probably guessed something, raised his head, and said hastily: "Could it be the one on the Internet..."

"What the hell?" Qin Si finally found someone who knew the truth, and immediately grabbed him to let Gu San clarify.

Gu San didn't know much.

This time, only Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan knew about it, so he inadvertently came across hot posts on the Internet, and saw photos on the forum where passers-by carried them.

He succinctly told Qin Si, Bo Zheng and others about the photos on ins, and then scratched his head angrily: "But when I went to look at it again at noon, that blogger had already deleted it."

Qin Si and the others stopped talking.

This was obviously done by Nie Qingru, who asked someone to delete the photos to protect Nie Qixing.

But there was one thing they didn't understand.

"What does this have to do with sister Qiao sending the photo of the old witch to the Privy Council?" Qin Si asked the key point.


The girl turned off the lighter, guessing that it was almost time, she leaned against the wall and took out her mobile phone, lowering her eyes as if she sent something out.

Qin Si saw that she was playing with her mobile phone, so she didn't feel embarrassed to disturb her.

I want to ask Ye Wangchuan.

He looked up, and was automatically scared again.


He can't afford to offend any of the two big men!
But the secret inside still scratches Qin Si's heart, and he especially wants to know what the connection is.

When Nie Qingru left the Privy Council, her eyelids were twitching. The daylight shone down, and there was a dizzy spot of light in front of her eyes.

"Queen." The driver opened the door for her.

She sat in silently.

The driver closed the door for her again, walked around to the front and got in the car, then turned around and asked her softly, "Queen, where are we going next?"

"Go..." As soon as Nie Qingru uttered a word, her nerves began to throb and she had a headache.

The driver didn't dare to rush her when he saw that her face was not good-looking.

Nie Qingru squeezed her forehead, and took it easy, for a while, she really didn't know where to go now.

to the hospital?
She hadn't figured out how to deal with it.

go back?

As far as the current situation is concerned, she can't solve any difficult problems even if she goes back.

Nie Qingru leaned back, facing such a dilemma for the first time.

She was born well and married well.

I have been used to bossing around in this life.

In addition to being unable to lift your head in front of that person, you will always be constrained.

In front of other people, she was the only one who gave others the chance to choose, and no one dared to ask her to choose in front of her.

at the moment……

Nie Qingru's eyelids twitched again, and the face of that unruly girl appeared in her mind.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Nie Qingru picked up the phone and answered the call: "Hello."

Her tone was not good.

In the past, Shadow had to be concerned, but this time, Shadow was in a hurry: "Queen, Qiao Nian posted a photo on Instagram with his own account."

"What picture?"

Nie Qingru's heart sank.

It won't be what she thinks...

She hadn't had time to think about it yet.

The shadow's voice came in a hurry: "Your old photos."

Nie Qingru only heard that a string was broken. She paused for two seconds, and suddenly smashed the phone on the car in a rage, gritted her teeth and said two words: "Evil!"

This evil is telling her - there is no time for her to dawdle, so hurry up if you want to choose.Otherwise, she wouldn't even be given the chance to choose!
Nie Qingru's temples were beating wildly, and his heart was sinking rapidly. With a gloomy face, he ordered the frightened driver: "Go to the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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