Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3301 She is not short of money and contacts

Chapter 3301 She is not short of money and contacts

Nie Qingru still didn't forget to emphasize: "Don't worry, I won't mess with the doctors. Those experts are serious about treating Master Cheng..."

The lighter in Qiao Nian's hand flicked on, and a faint blue flame burst out from it. She didn't raise her eyelids, and her tone was calm, just like talking to a stranger: "What's the condition?"


The anger that Nie Qingru had finally suppressed almost flared up again: "I need conditions for you? Don't forget, I am you..."

Grandma hasn't said anything yet.

The girl put on the lighter cap and gave her a sideways glance. Her eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, as if she was looking at SB: "I won't ask a third time. What about the conditions?"

What is her attitude!

Nie Qingru's chest was congested badly, her lips were trembling, but she also knew that Qiao Nian was serious, so she simply stopped pretending to be kind.

Simply put it forward: "You deleted the photo on ins. In addition, explain to the Privy Council that the photo was synthesized by you."

Few photographs remained of her youth, and the few she had were burned by her.

She never thought that Ji Qing would leave one and secretly hide it.

When she saw the to sign left by Ji Qing under the rubbing photo of the Privy Council, her eyelids twitched.

It was only before Qixing reported that he had hidden a woman during the weapons exhibition.

Then Qiao Nian sent these photos to the Privy Council.

The picture of the woman is fine.

But her picture...

Nie Qingru has a headache when she thinks of the attitude of those people in the Privy Council. Right now, there is only one solution, which is to bite her to death and refuse to admit it.

In addition, let the person who sent the photo stand up and take the blame, saying that the photo was synthesized.

In this way, things may have room for maneuver.

Qiao Nian didn't say anything, but asked her, "Did you see the signature on the photo?"

Nie Qing frowned subconsciously, impatiently: "I'm not discussing this with you now, these are not important. The important thing is that I want you to delete the ins..."


The girl suddenly interrupted her with a chuckle from her throat.

Nie Qingru stopped by herself, half-closed her eyes and looked at her menacingly, as if to say 'what tricks do you want to play again'.

Who knew that after Qiao Nian chuckled, her expression became surly, and she looked at her aggressively: "Do you want to blame her?"

"Qiao Nian!" Nie Qingru's face changed slightly when she was told about the central matter, and she warned her in a cold voice not to talk nonsense.

However, Qiao Nian is not the kind of person who would talk to her at all, so she directly exposed her hypocrisy, and said brightly: "In order to protect Nie Qixing, you want to blame her for the dirty things that Nie Qixing did, and then you two, sister and brother, are fine. Get out of the way as well."

She gave Nie Qingru a thumbs up, full of sarcasm: "You are really good at it! Even dead people have to be used thoroughly."

She is not afraid of not being able to sleep at night!
"..." Nie Qingru's expression at this moment could not be described in words, her eyes hinted at warning, no one dared to speak like that in front of her.

If she could, she wished she could crush this evil person to death on the spot!
Did Qiao Nian want to come out to argue with her, but when she heard what she said to him brazenly, she couldn't help but return a few words to her.

"Money, I have some money."

"I don't lack contacts."

"As for the doctor..." At this point, she paused for half a second, looked at Nie Qingru's face with half-closed eyes, and said coldly, "You may not be able to call the person I am looking for."

(End of this chapter)

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