Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3303 Nie Qixing is in love with his own sister

Chapter 3303 Nie Qixing is in love with his own sister
Seeing that her face was not looking well, Shadow raised his head slightly and asked, "Empress, what did Qiao Nian say? If she is willing to cooperate, there is still room for maneuver in this matter..."

He knew that Qiao Nian had posted old photos of the Queen on ins.

It was not until the forefoot that the woman Qi Shao secretly hid during the weapons exhibition was reported.

At this juncture, the photo posted by Qiao Nian is almost fatal!
Because once the members of the Privy Council see the old photo of the Queen kept by Miss Ji Qing, they will immediately find out that the woman Qi Shao hides is not Miss Ji Qing at all, but the Queen when she was young!

Although the Queen and Miss Ji Qing are mother and daughter.

But there are still subtle differences between the two.

For example, when she was young, the empress was more domineering, more indifferent, and she had a temperament of repelling others thousands of miles away.

She is a typical cold beauty.

But Miss Ji Qing is more gentle and bookish.

The woman in Qi Shaozang is not so much like Miss Ji Qing, but more like the young queen!

In other words... Young Master Qi had feelings for the Queen that he shouldn't have.

Shadow gave a headache just thinking about it.

He sneaked a glance at the person walking in front of him.

After all, I have reached the age of knowing my destiny.

Even if the queen is well maintained, she has always lived a pampered life, and there are very few things that need to be done by herself.

But time still left indelible marks on her face, and the fine lines at the corners of her eyes and brows that could not be concealed were traces of time.

It's just that she and Qiao Nian belong to similar people.

The personal aura is too strong.

It is easy for this kind of people to ignore their age at first glance, subconsciously subconsciously subdued in the aura.He didn't know when Qi Shao developed abnormal feelings for the queen.

But it is undeniable that there is an insurmountable age gap between the Queen and Young Master Qi.

The two are still siblings!
Same father and same mother!

That's why everyone reacted so strongly when they realized the secret in the photo, and the Privy Council even forced the Queen to make a quick decision.

The queen is the symbol of the hermit family.

They will not allow such a stain on the empress to exist.

So if Qiao Nian's cooperation is okay, they can kill him and refuse to admit it, and then push the person Qi Shao likes onto the dead Ji Qing.

If Qiao Nian doesn't cooperate...

Then the queen must deal with Qi Shao in order to preserve the hermit family and her own reputation.

And the best way to cover up this kind of scandal is to make that person with a bad mind disappear from this world...completely!
This time, Qiao Nian played them like monkeys step by step, and his methods were so fierce that he didn't look like he was only 20 years old. It was really scary.

No wonder the queen often said that she resembled Mr. Ji back then.

However, Shadow still has a little fantasy: "You are her grandmother, and you went to find her in person, and you are willing to find a doctor for Master Cheng in a low voice. She should not hold on to it... you won't really kill Young Master Qi."

At this moment, Nie Qingru finally spoke: "...Of course she won't take Qi Xing's life."

"That's good." Shadow just breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Nie Qingru continue in a suppressed and cold tone: "What she wants is me to do it myself."

Shadow's pupils trembled, his heart felt cold, a bucket of ice water poured down on his head, and he subconsciously asked, "Then, empress..."

He wondered how the queen would choose.

Qi Shao is still...

Nie Qingru frowned fiercely, her expression was gloomy and terrifying, she didn't answer his question directly, but said, "Go and see him first."

Shadow knew that she was talking about Nie Qixing, but his heart was pounding and he missed two beats.

the queen won't...

However, Nie Qingru had already moved forward.

He can only follow suit.

(End of this chapter)

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