Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3314 Nie Qixing is completely offline

Chapter 3314 Nie Qixing is completely offline

"The queen..."

Shadow lowered his head in shame.

Nie Qingru didn't want to argue with him, so she raised her hand and made a downward gesture.

The driver quickly understood what she meant, and walked towards the alley where the shadow came from with one foot deep and one foot shallow, with a bulging waist obviously carrying a guy.

Seeing him pass by him, Shadow suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red, and begged the woman sitting in the car: "Queen, please let Young Master Qi go!"

Nie Qingru was unmoved, as if Nie Qixing could no longer arouse the slightest ripple in her heart: "I have discussed this issue with you a long time ago. It's not that I won't let him go, but it's meaningless for him to continue living. A lifetime It is impossible for the disabled to inherit my seat!"

"Even if I save him, he will become my burden in the future."

"I can't have a weakness like him around me, should know better than me how deadly a weakness is to me."

Of course, Shadow understands how much hardship she has endured to sit in her current seat, and how difficult it is... How many people outside are staring at her and trying to pull her down.


That's Young Master Qi!
Isn't the Queen sad at all?
Nie Qingru glanced at him, as if seeing his thoughts, and said lightly: "If I stick to these feelings, I won't be able to get to where I am today."

"Empress..." Shadow wanted to beg her again.

Nie Qingru ruthlessly interrupted: "He could have easily 'leaved' without knowing anything, but you insisted on doing unnecessary things behind my back. Now that he has endured more pain is the result of your soft-heartedness!"

Shadow turned pale at what she said, and his lips trembled.He lowered his head, not knowing what expression to use to face the person in front of him, and it took him a long time to hold back the words: "Since when did the empress doubt me?"

A trace of pity flashed across Nie Qingru's eyes, and he said indifferently: "You have been with me for decades, and I have never doubted you."

"Then why did you appear here?" Shadow asked the question he wanted to ask the most in his heart.

Nie Qingru showed a sneering expression, condescending and contemptuous; "I suspect stupid feelings!"

She never suspected that the shadow would betray her.

But she also knows that no matter how powerful a person is, they will be influenced by their emotions and act irrationally.

Shadow had been trying to beg her to let Nie Qixing go from the very beginning, but at the end he calmly accepted her 'accident'.

From that moment on she was on the alert.

It turns out she was right.

Sure enough, Shadow played a trick behind her back.

"If it was in the past, I would acquiesce in your approach. It's just that you forgot that we used this trick once before. This time the archbishop will definitely check carefully..."

Nie Qingru seemed to be talking about other people: "I can no longer break my promise to the Privy Council."

She can no longer be caught by those old guys in the Privy Council, so this time Nie Qixing must die!
Shadow slightly opened his mouth to look at her, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

At this time.

The driver brought by Nie Qingru came out of the alley slowly.

Seeing that his hands were dyed bright red, Shadow twitched his eyelids, and heard the other party respectfully say to Nie Qingru in the car: "Queen, it's been dealt with."

Nie Qingru closed her eyes at this moment, with a moment of exhaustion and compassion on her face, and told the driver: "Call Mr. Xue and let them come over."

(End of this chapter)

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