Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3318 What a coincidence, I am also poor

Chapter 3318 What a coincidence, I am also poor

He looked over with his sixth sense, and immediately bumped into a pair of deep eyes full of scrutiny.

Ye Wangchuan has not left yet.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Yu Wenhao's back immediately, fearing that his uncomfortable reaction just now would be discovered, so he avoided his eyes and said hastily, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Ye Wangchuan has always been dignified and lazy, never belonging to that aggressive temperament.

He looked at Yu Wenhao's fleeing back, and there was a trace of interest in his eyes.

However, he didn't catch up to ask for clarification, but watched Yu Wenhao's figure disappear into the corner of the bathroom, he raised his heels and walked in the direction of the girl.


"My Lord!" Qin Si was talking to Qiao Nian, when he looked up and saw him coming, he immediately called him, walked over and patted the man on the shoulder, and said, "We are talking about you."

Ye Wangchuan glanced at the hand he patted on his arm, and looked back lazily: "What are you talking about?"

"Speaking of you..." Qin Si almost slipped his tongue.

Fortunately, he came to his senses, took a peek at Qiao Nian who was about to go to the ward, opened his mouth and changed his words: "Tell me why you haven't become a regular with Sister Qiao for so long."

Qiao Nian had already stepped into the ward, but she still heard someone mention her name from behind, and slowly turned her head to Qin Si: "?"

Qin Si touched his neck in embarrassment, but the words were spoken by himself, and he had to be rounded anyway, so he met Qiao Nian's gaze and coughed dryly: "Well, wasn't Master Wang an internship period before? Three months The internship period is over, and I haven't seen you talking about becoming a full-time employee. So now that I've become a full-time employee, I'm still an intern? Cough, I'm just curious~"

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows, and replied with a half-smile: "You're quite curious."

Qin Si didn't even dare to look at him, and he also despised how his brain would use this topic to divert attention.

You're really digging a hole for yourself.

He was thinking about how to get over it reasonably, when he heard his master Wang lazily and hoarsely ask: "So God Qiao, am I considered a regular now?"

Qiao Nian's temples twitched twice, and he lifted his thin eyelids, looking at him with a big speechless look: "It depends on what you think."

Ye Wangchuan was quite good at climbing up the pole, and smiled softly in front of everyone, his throat rolling: "Why don't you treat me to a meal some other day."


"Return to regular banquet!"


There was affection in his eyes, and his tone was obviously half-joking, but there was a small hook in his voice: "After all, he eats soft food, God Qiao shouldn't mind treating guests to a meal, right?"

Nest grass...

Qin Si has seen shameless people before, but he has never seen such shameless people. He was forced to stuff a mouthful of dog food, and his face turned green.

But it was he who said it.

Now that he was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food with precision, he had no choice but to swallow it dryly.

Qiao Nian also looked at him with that expression of astonishment + speechlessness. She stared at him blankly for a second, then looked away, raised her hand impatiently, pressed down the brim of her hat, and casually uttered a word: "Poor!"

Ye Wangchuan probably provoked her on purpose, so he smiled immediately, with the same lazy tone as her, quite shameless: "Coincidentally, I am also poor."

Qin Si and Gu San's expressions fluctuated, and they opened their eyes to see the two big men pretending to be poor under their noses.

One is more eloquent than the other.

Master Wang and sister Qiao are poor?
Hehe, one is a big boss who earns inexhaustible money just by buying medicine.

The other one... the Ye family alone is enough for Mr. Wang to pretend for eight lifetimes, not to mention the profitable business he has in hand.

Qin Si was not only depressed but also heartbroken.

(End of this chapter)

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