Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3320 Nie Qingru wants to suppress Beijing

Privy Council.

There was no sound in the council hall.

Nie Qingru was sitting at the top seat, tapping the table lightly with her finger bones.

blah blah blah.

again and again.

The sound she made was not loud, but every one of them touched the hearts of the people present.

Quentin was sitting on her left, wrapped in various red papal robes, and the wide casket enveloped his tall figure.

His eyes lit up: "Queen, isn't the decision you just made too hasty?"

This is also the view of most people in the parliament hall.

All eyes were on Nie Qingru.

After all, a minute ago, Nie Qingru publicly proposed to suppress all resources in Beijing.

This is no small matter.

Quentin is also discussing the matter: "If you insist on doing this, it will easily anger Beijing. Don't forget, we also need rare earth resources in Beijing!"

I saw Nie Qingru moved a little, turned sideways and looked up at him.

His tone was as cold as frost in winter: "You mean I should apologize to the capital personally? Ask them to forgive me?"

"Of course I don't mean that." Quentin didn't face her sharpness directly, but tried to persuade her as much as possible: "I just don't think there's any need to get into trouble with Beijing."

Nie Qingru narrowed her eyes and looked at him, took a breath, and said in a bad tone: "The Archbishop needs to understand, it's not me who wants to fall out with Beijing, but they want to fall with me!"

"I am the Queen of the Hidden Family, representing the entire Hidden Family. The matter has already happened, and I have given an explanation, and they still want me to express my opinion. Why? Our Hidden Family is so easy to bully?"

She glanced at the audience, and sneered again: "Is there no one in our hidden family?!"

Nie Qingru rarely gets angry.

Everyone in the council hall dared not speak out.

Quentin frowned subconsciously, and opened his mouth to speak.

Nie Qingru dragged the chair and made a "呲-" sound, interrupting him: "Since I have given a satisfactory explanation of the weapon exhibition according to your requirements, I am still the queen of the Hermit Family."

Her eyes turned cold: "Don't forget, archbishop, the imperial power of the hermit family is supreme. Even the Privy Council has no right to control my decision!"

She was right.

According to the rules of the hidden family, Nie Qingru has the right to decide whether to target Beijing.

But the people present, including Quentin, didn't know that targeting Beijing City was targeting that person in disguise - Qiao Nian.

What Nie Qingru suppressed was not Beijing, but Qiao Nian.

But the two sides had had an ugly fight before.

It would not be good for the Hermit Family to continue to make trouble now.

Nie Qingru didn't give others a chance to speak at all, and left without saying a word, "That's the decision!"

Behind her, the shadow followed quietly.

He didn't look at the other people in the council hall the whole time.

Nie Qingru left.

Many people in the council hall got up and left.

Quentin leaned on his seat and his expression was definitely not good-looking.

Jacob walked over at this moment and saw him pinching the bridge of his nose with a headache, and worried: "Archbishop, are you alright?"


Quentin raised his eyes, and out of the corner of his eye, he just saw the old man in blue gown walking in front of him, about to leave the council hall.

He hesitated for a moment and called out: "Old Xue, stay and talk?"

10 minute later.

The people in the parliament hall have almost left.

Only then did he speak, and stared at the old man in blue who had been standing by Qiao Nian's side: "What do you think about the fact that the Queen wants to suppress the capital city?"

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