Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3322 You also know this empress

This kind of dreadful day has continued until now, and he is about to have a nervous breakdown.

After several days of insomnia and being unable to eat, he still came out of his room in the evening, wearing a mask and hat, and went downstairs to buy instant noodles in a nearby supermarket.

Zhou Zheng stayed in an express hotel this time.

The hotel is adjacent to the busiest commercial street, it is a quiet place amidst the hustle and bustle, but the surrounding environment is average and the buildings are messy.

It's completely different from the star hotel he stayed in before.

The advantage here is that it is safer, and it is close to the hotel where he stayed before. He can observe the situation at any time, and if he finds something is wrong, he can still run.

Zhou Zheng went into the convenience store, took two buckets of instant noodles, paid for it, and prepared to go back.

When he walked out of the convenience store, he saw a familiar figure standing on the side of the road.

The man had dazzling bird feathers, and the colorful colors contrasted sharply with his scruffy attire, making it unforgettable at first sight.

Zhou Zheng always felt a little familiar, so he stopped unconsciously and frowned to look at the man on the side of the road.

At this time.

The strange man on the side of the road came towards him.

Zhou Zheng was startled, instinctively wanted to run.

But he was grabbed by the shoulder before he had time, facing the man's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he forced himself to be calm: "Who are you? Do we know each other?"

"Tsk!" Slender waist slammed his mouth, and reminded him very bluntly: "You don't know labor, labor knows you. I ate a bucket of instant noodles on the side of the road, and you have to let the hotel security chase me I have three streets, remember?"

"You are..." Zhou Zheng suddenly remembered, his eyes widened in astonishment: "The beggar from that day?"


Squatting on the side of the road and eating instant noodles is called a beggar?
Is he cerebral palsy? !
Slim waist controlled her breath and smiled, then said expressionlessly, "Our boss wants to see you."

Zhou Zheng's heart skipped a beat, he had a vague premonition, and wanted to run away, but the 'beggar' who grabbed his shoulder looked thin and strong, and he couldn't break free.

Seeing that he couldn't break free, Zhou Zheng turned pale, thought for a while, and asked in a sensible way: "Who is your boss?"

The thin-waisted control still remembers that he asked the security guard to chase after his enemy for three streets, and he was not so polite with him. He dragged him to the car parked by the side of the road: "You will know when you arrive!"

at the same time.

The atmosphere in Nie Qingru's villa was very low.

The servants didn't dare to show their anger, and tried to be as gentle as possible, for fear that someone would accidentally catch fire.

Even so, they could still feel the coldness from Nie Qingru.

Someone came in from outside.

Nie Qingru didn't even raise her eyelids: "How?"

Shadow was wrapped in cold air, bowed his head respectfully: "Zhou Zheng has already been taken away."

Nie Qingru paused, put the tea cup back on the coffee table, straightened up slightly, and looked at him sharply: "Oh? Who is it?"

Needless to say, the answer is not difficult to guess.

Shadow: "People from the Red League in the illegal area."

"You should have the impression that he is one of the main members of the Hongmeng, with a slim waist."

"He appeared in State M ten days ago. It's just that Hongmeng is good at hacking computers to create a fake identity for himself, so we didn't find him until now."

The fact is, if it wasn't for the thin-waisted control who was responsible for finding Zhou Zheng this time, they might not have discovered that the other party is in M ​​state until now.

This is Hongmeng.

Nie Qingru's cheek muscles twitched, his face was gloomy, and he lowered his eyes and said, "Since she is from Hongmeng, it must be her."

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