Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3328 Sister Nian v5, I will be responsible

Ye Wangchuan didn't expect her to say this suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately leaned back shamelessly, admitted frankly: "Yes."

He seemed to have stars falling into his eyes, and looked at her with a slight smile: "So God Qiao, have I succeeded?"


Qiao Nian stared into his eyes for a few seconds, her eyelids twitched, and she was about to look away.

Ye Wangchuan suddenly stretched out his hand to grab her slender wrist, clasped his fingers tightly, and covered his eyes with extremely long eyelashes, making them glisten more and more.

"God Joe wants to run?"


Qiao Nian suspected that he was poisonous, coughed dryly, did not break away from his hand, and confronted him face to face: "Then what do you want?"

Ye Wangchuan was stunned for a second, as if he didn't expect that she would ask himself this question, and he didn't think about how to answer it for a long time.

how about it?
He hadn't really thought about it.

Qiao Nian looked at him intently, waited for a while but didn't hear his voice, thought for a while, her fair face was a bit willful, but her expression was quite serious: "Don't worry, I will take responsibility."

——I will be responsible!

Ye Wangchuan was stunned, stretched out his hand to brush her eyebrows for a long time, and smiled: "Am I afraid that you won't be responsible?"

Qiao Nian squinted at him.

I didn't want to say it.

But seeing how he pretended to be romantic and comfortable with himself, he still couldn't hold back: "No? I think you're in a hurry."

Ye Wangchuan was standing opposite her, Wen Yan gently put his hand on his chin and touched it, his eyes were half down, always reflecting the girl's appearance.

"It's useless for me to be anxious."

Qiao Nian looked at his plump and handsome appearance, subconsciously squeezed his swollen forehead, and felt a little headache: "...I have to finish dealing with the matters of Independent Island first."

She hasn't found out how Ji Qing died that year.

The last experiment on the U disk has not been successfully reproduced.

It will take three to five months for these things alone, and she must not be in the mood to discuss them in a short time.

Ye Wangchuan seemed to know what she was going to say, pinched her slightly cold fingertips, and returned to his usual lazy and casual look: "I said I would wait for you to turn 21."

"..." Qiao Nian looked up.

He just admitted to being anxious.

Ye Wangchuan saw what she was thinking, squeezed the girl's fingertips hard, then wrapped her hand and warmed it up for her, with a low and mellow voice: "My internship period has been from two months to almost two years now. I haven't turned regular yet, so it's normal for my brother to be anxious."

Qiao Nian was subconsciously stretched out to pull the brim of the hat by his "brother", and just as she raised her hand, she realized that she was still being held by him.

The temperature from the palm of her hand was hot, at least it made her fingertips colder than before.

Qiao Nianming knew that he was deliberately mentioning that she was going around the city before in order to prevent Jiang Li from discovering her identity, so she obediently called him 'Brother'.

But knowing that he was joking on purpose, Qiao Nian still took a deep breath, narrowed her dark eyes, and looked at him.

Ye Wangchuan raised the corner of his mouth, and just drew a shallow arc.

Suddenly, she was pushed against the wall by the girl, and then the cool breath approached, and the scent of saponin that belonged to Qiao Nian's body filled her chest. As soon as he was distracted, he was bitten on the lip.

Qiao Nian took a bite and then let go, and then curled up the corners of his mouth like him, a little more perverted than him, and looked at him: "Brother won't be angry!"

She bit the word "brother" very hard.

It's just arrogant.

Ye Wangchuan's eyes darkened, and he was about to pull her back.

Suddenly there was a rush of footsteps from far to near, before the people from Qin Si arrived, the voice came first: "Master Wang, Gang Luo's deputy team said..."

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