Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3335 Aunt Ye: Did I ask you?

Ye Wangchuan raised the corners of his eyes, let go of Qiao Nian's hand, hooked the corners of his mouth, and gave Qin Si a 'good' look.

Qin Si rubbed the bridge of his nose, wondering if he could do it without practicing Taoism.

In fact, he knew in his heart that Ye Wangchuan could handle this matter directly, but if he came forward in the name of the Ye family, Uncle Jiang might not be willing.

So it is more appropriate for him to come forward to do this matter.

Qin Si also figured it out himself: "Tsing University has indeed had many good scientific research projects in the past few years. We were also considering Tsing University before, but we haven't decided yet."

The Qin family has a big business.

Qin Si's mother is a strong woman. In addition to managing her own business, she has also done a lot of charity and foundations.

Qin Si occasionally helped Qin's mother deal with these things.

Yu Wenhao watched them talk about a sum of money support in a few words, and then looked at the girls who seemed to be used to it, and did not show a grateful expression.

He has some indescribable emotions and always feels very uncomfortable.

Yu Wenhao was afraid that others would notice his discomfort, so he got up at this moment and said softly, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Go." Qin Si paid attention to him, but didn't pay attention to him.

Yu Wenhaoteng got up and hurried away.

Instead, Qiao Nian noticed his strange reactions again and again, half-closed his eyes, and looked at Wen Hao's leaving back with some surprise.

She didn't look at it too much, and turned around and said to Qin Si: "Chengfeng Group also has a project that happens to be looking for a company to cooperate with, Qin's..."

She probably talked about the next project.

This is not a small project. Behind it is the shadow of the illegal zone Hongmeng, and it can be regarded as a large cooperation in the tens of figures.

The benefits needless to say.

She directly gave this opportunity to the Qin family, in a disguised form, she gave back to the Qin family's scientific research support fund...

Qin Si had heard his family members mention this project before, and heard that Qiao Nian was going to cooperate with their family. It was rare that he was not as cynical as before. Cooperation, we will go through the normal procedures, if it doesn’t work, forget it. Anyway, I will treat our company as an opportunity to bid for cooperation, and I will give you a letter of approval when the time comes.”

Qiao Nian understood that he didn't want to take advantage of his friendship, so he didn't make it difficult: "Okay! You can just contact Aunt Yuan later."

Chengfeng Group is managed by Yuan Yongqin, and Qin Si has to communicate with Yuan Yongqin if he wants to communicate with this project.

Qin Si is also straightforward: "Okay."


The plane landed at the Beijing International Airport terminal an hour later.

Ye Lan had already received the news and was waiting outside the terminal building.

Wait for Qiao Nian and Qin Si to come out.

She greeted immediately: "Here!"

A group of people saw her and hurried towards her.

Ye Lan has been in Beijing for decades, and many people know her.

When the people from the Ninth Institute saw her coming to pick up the plane, they were quite cautious and silently followed behind Ye Wangchuan and the others.

When Ye Lan saw Qiao Nian and the others walking in front of her, she couldn't hide her smile. Although there were signs of age on the corners of her eyes and brows, she did not change her capable demeanor: "The car is waiting outside. You should come back to eat with me later." Change clothes?"

"Let's go back first." Ye Wangchuan knew that she was looking at Qiao Nian asking, so Feng Qingyue brightly said.

"Did I ask you?" Ye Lan rolled his eyes angrily.

But when he set his eyes on Qiao Nian, he was much softer: "Then you guys go back to take a shower, change your clothes and rest, we will have dinner later."

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