Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3343 Finally see that sister Nian is not an ordinary person

"Have you found that person?" Ye Maoshan's attention was really attracted by her, with a surprised expression on his face.

Qiao Nian put down her chopsticks quite naturally, lost her appetite, leaned back, and said, "Well, I wanted to tell you earlier, but I forgot to tell you after I went back and changed clothes. I was at the Beijing Police Station , I handed him over to Deputy Team Luo."

"You mean..." Ye Maoshan was no fool, and immediately realized what Qiao Nian wanted to do.

Qiao Nian raised his hand and pulled down his peaked cap, lacking in interest: "Let's go through legal procedures."

"..." Ye Maoshan clearly showed a thoughtful expression, and he was also lost in thought.

Qiao Nian continued: "Master Cheng won the No.1 in the Weapons Exhibition by his own ability. I don't want to taint this result because of these things. So... it's best to go through legal procedures, and how to deal with it. As long as he Even if he goes through legal procedures, he will be responsible for these things!"

Of course they can deal with Zhou Zheng privately.

However, some people are savages. If they deal with Zhou Zheng in private, gossip will inevitably spread, and some people will question the fairness of Master Cheng's results.

Qiao Nian didn't want any taint on the grades that the older generation had put in so much effort to get, that's why she brought Zhou Zheng back together with Ye Huangchuan.

It would be more appropriate for Zhou Zheng to bring him back to the capital, and it would be more appropriate for Mr. Ye to come forward to deal with it.

Ye Maoshan understood her thoughts, and felt that Qiao Nian's arrangement was very appropriate, so he nodded, "Okay, I'll tell the Bo family later."

He also specifically said: "I will also make their procedures go faster."


Since Qiao Nian mentioned Master Cheng, Ye Maoshan asked by the way: "How is Master Cheng?"

"I asked Mr. Zhong to come over." Qiao Nian said calmly, "With him here, it's not a big problem."

Ye Keji interjected at this moment: "Miss Qiao, are you talking about the first class from the Pharmacy Association?"

Qiao Nian raised her eyes to look at him, and there was nothing to hide from her black and white eyes: "It's him."

Ye Keji just shut his mouth.

I have already given Qiao Nian a thumbs up in my heart, awesome!

He is the one in the private room who knows Qiao Nian's situation best except for Mr. Ye and Ye Lan. Every time he meets Qiao Nian, he still feels that he knows too little.

Zhong Liuliu... that's notorious for his stubborn temper.

This guy has about the same temper as Huang Lao.

One of the two is Miss Qiao's teacher, and the other is Miss Qiao's best friend.It's just... unbelievable.

The rest of the Ye family, including Third Tanggu, were speechless now.

Everyone shut their mouths.

No matter how stupid they are, they can still see that Qiao Nian is not as simple as it appears on the surface, at least not the kind of ordinary people they thought came around the city.

The next meal went off without a hitch.

Although the rest of the Ye family couldn't find anything to talk about with Qiao Nian, they were smart enough not to mention the city derailment, and they didn't dare to find fault.

Two hours later, the meal was finally over.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening outside.

It's autumn in Beijing, and it's a bit cold at night, especially when the wind blows, it's getting colder and chillier.

As soon as Qiao Nian walked out, a warm coat was put on her body, and when she turned around, she saw someone's handsome face with picturesque features.

"It's specially brought for you."

She looked down at the coat draped over her shoulders, and remembered that he went back to the room to get the clothes before going out, and it turned out to be for her...

Qiao Nian's heart warmed up, and even the irritability that had surrounded her all night dissipated a lot.

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