Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3357 I thought everything was under my control

Facing the irrefutable evidence, the family was dumbfounded.

Changing the posture of the victims when they first came in, they all trembled with fright, and began to cry and beg for mercy.

"We just wanted to scare her a bit."

"We didn't cause much impact, the big deal is to refund her the medical expenses she paid in advance."

"Yes, Mr. Police, we would like to refund the money."


The policeman who was in charge of writing the records also received the young man Chen Yuan. Hearing this, he stopped the pen in his hand and looked up at them.He sneered and said, "So you are just joking?"

The woman who was pestering Aunt Chen last night, pulling her hair and beating her was as cowardly as a quail, and nodded frantically with her neck curled up: "Yeah, I was just joking. We already knew we were wrong, so you don't want to talk to me." We care about... we have no culture, we don't understand anything."

The young policeman saw a lot of people who are used to selling miserably, knocked on the table to calm them down, and said in a serious tone: "Do you understand what is extortion?! Do you know that extorting others is going to jail? According to The criminal law can sentence you to 1-3 years.”

"What? Go to jail!"

This time the family was terrified.

The crocodile also had tears and cried, "We don't go to jail! We don't know anything. We're just kidding her."

"Quiet." The policeman who interrogated them patted the table, then looked around them, and said directly: "Tell me, who told you to do it."

The whole family showed expressions of fear, hesitating and not wanting to say anything.

The young policeman was not in a hurry, put down his pen, and simply leaned back, leaning on the back of his chair, as if slowly consuming them.

"It's okay if you don't say anything, I have plenty of time. But let me remind you first, you are lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist."

"You still have the opportunity to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. If you refuse to cooperate with us, then you can only be blamed, and you will be regarded as malicious blackmail."

"Malicious extortion will be dealt with at the top, and you will be sentenced to three years, no problem!"

The trouble that this family went to find Aunt Chen was originally for money.

No matter how much money the Zhou family gave, how could it be as serious as going to jail?
The family cried for a while, seeing that there was nothing they could do, someone raised their hands tremblingly: "I, I said."

At noon, Zhou's father had a meal with Yang Dui and others in a high-end private kitchen.

Also opened several bottles of vintage wine.

It cost 6 figures for a meal.

Zhou's father was very generous, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

Before leaving, he stuffed everyone with a big red envelope, which is quite good at life.

He and his assistant sent people to the door, and then sent them to the car one by one. They bent down beside Team Yang's car and knocked on the window.

Wait for the windows to roll down.

He stretched his eyebrows and said to the people in the car: "As long as my business can be done this time, I will 'thank' you well later."

He specially emphasized the word "thank you".

Everyone is an adult, and they looked at each other with pleasant smiles, and the greetings were quickly over.

The man in the car looked at his watch, and the cell phone that was left on the co-pilot just happened to light up. He didn't dare to delay any longer, so he said to Father Zhou, "President Zhou, I'll be leaving first."

Father Zhou stepped aside: "Go slowly."

He watched the black car drive away slowly, and he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling more relaxed. He turned to his assistant and said, "Let's go, and go find that person again in the evening."

Of course he was talking about Aunt Chen.

He hadn't realized the danger that the mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building.

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