Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3380 The Electronic Chapter of Independent Continent

After Qiao Nian came back, she found a corner of the sofa and sat down, as if she was sending a message to someone.

"Sister Qiao, do you think this Zhou family won't make any more moths?" Qin Si didn't even hear her talking.

She kept her head down and was playing with her mobile phone. The shimmering light from the screen of the mobile phone shone on her face, and her eyelashes were distinctly black, which made the girl's skin whiter.

Qin Si babbled there for a long time, but Qiao Nian didn't hear him back.

Turning his head to look, he leaned back on the sofa with his legs folded together, and his whole body was full of cynicism, as if he didn't hear himself at all.

"..." He was a little depressed for a moment, and couldn't help shouting louder: "Sister Qiao, did you hear what I said?"

Qiao Nian had just finished replying to Ji Nan's news, and barely took the time to glance at him with black and white eyes, quite casually: "Oh. What are you talking about?"


She put down her mobile phone and was quite polite: "I didn't hear clearly, why don't you say it again?"


She didn't listen at all!

Qin Si didn't even have the energy to get angry, he raised his hand feebly, put it in front of Qiao Nian, and said weakly, "It's okay."

Qiao Nian looked at him seriously.

Qin Si looked like he had nothing to say, so she assumed he was really fine, said 'uh', and continued to look down at the news that Ji Nan gave her a heart-warming message.

[J: I don't know either. 】

【J: I haven't seen him since he came back. 】

Qiao Nian scanned the ten lines at a glance, frowned faintly, his expression became more serious, picked up his phone, got up and walked to the second floor.

When she passed by Qin Si, she specifically said, "I'll make a phone call."

"Can't make calls here? No signal? Impossible?" Qin Si looked at her in surprise, and didn't forget to check the signal on his mobile phone.


Full grid.

Qiao Nian pressed her brows with her slender fingers, and didn't explain too much to him, just said: "I'll ask you about the matter of Independent Island before I tell you."

Qin Si was concentrating on fiddling with his mobile phone, but when he heard her explain softly, he immediately understood why she wanted to go up and make a call.

So he said wittily, "Okay, you do your work first."

Qiao Nian went upstairs to call Ji Nan.


in the kitchen.

As soon as Gu San made a pot of tea, he saw that Qin Si was the only one left in the living room.

He walked over, leaned over to put the tea set, and said strangely: "Master Wang went to the study to report the result of the second trial to the old man. Where is Miss Qiao? Why is she not here?"

Qin Si sighed faintly, and pouted to the second floor: "Also on the phone."

Gu San put a cup of tea in front of him, his face full of curiosity, but curiosity was curiosity, he still restrained himself from asking.

Qin Si has an irresistible character, and Gu San is his own person, so he has no scruples when speaking.

"Independent Continent."

"Independent continent?"

Gu San was slightly surprised.

Could it be that something happened in Independent Continent?

Qin Si has been to Independence Continent several times, but he has no influence in Independence Continent, and he doesn't know much about Independence Continent, but he does know a little.

His handsome face was rarely seen without the usual hippie smile, but more serious and dignified. He raised his hand to pick up the tea made by Gu San, watched the ups and downs of tea leaves in the cup, and said, "I'm afraid that old hag can't sit still."

Gu San was stunned, and immediately realized the identity of the 'old witch' in his mouth, immediately lowered his eyes, and stopped talking.

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