Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3387 Ji Nan: Can you come early?

He was only in charge of conveying the message. The teacher didn't want to read it, and he couldn't do anything about it. He had to go back and call Madam Ji of Independent Zhou to talk about it.

the other side.

Xie Yun hasn't received a call from Robert yet.

She has been tired of dealing with the various elders who came to inquire these days, and she has not rested for several days, and her well-maintained face is covered with tired fine lines.

"Third Uncle and the others left?"

"Well, I just left."

As soon as Xie Yun opened her eyes, all she saw was a cup of warm water handed to her.

She looked up and saw Ji Nan who had come back from the old house standing in front of her, holding up the glass of water to signal her to drink some water.

Xie Yun's tired expression eased a little, she took the water glass from his hand and lowered her head to take a sip, the warm water flowed down her throat into her stomach, slightly soothing her tired heart.

"Didn't see your dad again today?"

Ji Nan found a seat next to her and sat down: "Well, I didn't see you."

Holding the water glass, Xie Yun didn't know how to speak to him for a while, and said in silence for a moment: "Don't worry, I will see him someday."

Ji Nan didn't answer this question directly, but turned to look at her: "Those people come to your house every day to look for you, or you would disappear. Otherwise, you would be too tired to deal with them like this every day."


Xie Yun came from a well-known family anyway, so she knew the twists and turns inside, rubbed her swollen temples, and tried her best to move her numb face.

"Your father came back suddenly, and locked himself at home again to see no one. If I don't even see these people, those people may have a bad idea."

"The current situation of Ji's family..." Xie Yun squinted at him, and said weakly: "If you entered the first research institute and didn't major in finance, maybe it wouldn't be so bad."

"...but right now your father doesn't show up, and you can't hold back the situation. I can only stabilize these people first, lest they make another mess."

She was telling the truth.

During the period of Ji Lingfeng's disappearance, there were many conflicts within the Ji family, and each family was secretly working hard for their own interests.

Before that, there was almost a farce about making Ji Ziyin the next patriarch of the Ji family.

Now that Ji Lingfeng came back suddenly, these people who had caused troubles must be feeling uneasy. It's okay to ask her, if it's because they are afraid of making something wrong...

Xie Yun was tired just thinking about it.

"Hey." She sighed sincerely: "I don't know when Nian Nian will come back, it would be great if she was here at this time."

Qiao Nian is not from Ji's family, and has never promised to come back.

But the older generation of Ji's family just love her.

If Qiao Nian was in Independence Island, these people would at least restrain themselves a bit, instead of being like now, seeing Ji Lingfeng never showing up, getting more and more impatient.

Ji Nan had just talked with Qiao Nian on the phone, so he knew when Qiao Nian would be back, so he said, "She'll be back soon."

Xie Yun glanced at him, and before she had time to ask him how he knew, she felt her phone vibrate, took out the phone and looked at the caller ID.

She got up quickly, avoided Ji Nan and walked to the bedroom: "I'll go back to my room to rest, you can play outside by yourself for a while."

Ji Nan saw that she seemed to be going to answer the phone.

Although she didn't know why she avoided him, there was a faint uneasiness in her heart.

Ji Nan frowned, took out his phone, took out the blank avatar of the contact, edited a message and sent it.

[J: Can you come back a few days earlier. ]

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