Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3403 Sister Nian is here, it seems to be chasing the light

Chapter 3403 Sister Nian is here, it seems to be chasing the light
The Ye family has always been famous for protecting their weaknesses.

Ye Wangchuan loved this nephew to the core, it was impossible for the moth Fu Sinian made to affect Ye Qichen.


Qin Si heard him say coldly: "You say hello to the Wen family, just say what I mean, let them clean up the garbage today."


Qin Si thought so too.

While talking to him, people have already walked inside.

He turned his head and said softly to the person who led them inside: "Where is Mr. Wen? I have something to do with her."

Ye Wangchuan cut off the phone.

The Qin Si at the other end had already found Wen Ruxia, who was very busy, and told him about the situation outside.

Wen Ruxia immediately frowned, she didn't expect that there would be such a cynical person making trouble outside their carefully prepared birthday party.

She appeased Qin Si first, and then asked her assistant to go outside to have a look.

The assistant will be back soon.

The matter is the same as what Qin Si said.

The popular actress is still mingling with reporters outside, and Fu Sinian also came a little later.

The two caused quite a stir among reporters.

The reporters thought that they had captured the young master of a wealthy family and a female celebrity who were in an open relationship, and they were agitated to interview them.

Wen Ruxia's headache grew more and more, and she was also speechless: "It should be Wen Ziyu who invited him. He didn't know about the troubles that occurred around the city before. I'll call someone to deal with it immediately."

Before going around the city, Ye Qichen was almost permanently disabled by Qiao An, and Fu Sinian, the father, was still standing by Qiao An's side, helping the murderer speak.

That time, Ye Lan had a falling out with Fu Sinian, and demanded to sever ties with the Fu family on the spot, and he was not allowed to come to Ye Qichen again.

Not many people know about it.

Wen Ziyu probably didn't know about it, so out of consideration for the Ye family, he invited Fu Sinian to have dinner with him.

It wasn't a big deal to have a meal.

Who knew this person would come up with such a fool.

Wen Ruxia has always acted swiftly and resolutely, and the incident between Fu Sinian and this female celebrity was really not on the table.

She was angry in her heart, and she was even more merciless when dealing with it.

When Fu Sinian and the female star were still being interviewed by the reporter, the security guards of the hotel came out to chase them away, not only interrupting the interview, but also kicking them out in front of the reporter.

At first Fu Sinian still laughed and wanted Wen Ruxia to come out, but he explained the misunderstanding face to face.

Who knew that the security guards got Wen Ruxia's order and didn't give him any face at all. Seeing that he wouldn't leave, they simply dragged him and the female star aside.

Make it clear that they are not allowed in.

Han Luke is also a newly promoted flower this year. She originally thought that she was surrounded by a wealthy young man with good looks and good age, so she made such a coquettish operation and wanted to make a high-profile official announcement. Who knew that Fu Sinian was involved and kicked out in public, it was really a shame. All lost.

Just chatting on their side, causing reporters to take pictures non-stop.

A black Phaeton quietly drove into the entrance of the hotel. When the waiter quickly opened the door, a man and a woman got out of the car with a young boy with outstanding looks.

Compared with other people's clothes, the girl who got out of the car was dressed very casually, with a sweater and hat on top of her head, and a peaked cap.

Originally, she got out of the car with her hands in her pockets, but after seeing the child getting out of the car, she casually reached out her hand to hold the hand of the child who got off the car, bowed her head and said something.

The little boy raised his head, smiled like a flower, and obediently followed her into the hotel.

"That person..."

A reporter noticed the movement at the door, saw the arrogant figure who went in, and said something.

"That person seems to be chasing the light."

(End of this chapter)

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