Chapter 3411

The young reporter's eyelids twitched a couple of times when he saw her calling and accurately naming her company, but he wasn't particularly panicked.

After a few minutes.

His cell phone rang, which was very clear in the night.

He subconsciously glanced at the person confronting him, his heart beating faster, he took out his cell phone and looked at the caller ID, it turned out to be his boss's call.

No way……

He was still holding a trace of luck, and answered: "Hey, team leader..."

next second.

His face changed suddenly, red in the blue, black in the red, and he didn't know what was said there, in just ten seconds.

The young reporter hung up the phone as quickly as an electric shock, then clenched his back molars, silently passed the camera over, and whispered: "I just took two pictures."

He only took two pictures before Qiao Nian keenly spotted him, and immediately came to his door.

The young reporter watched her take the camera and delete it with a click, and did not forget to pull out the memory card behind the camera, and said bluntly in front of him: "I will take this thing away."

The photos he took after squatting for a whole day today are all in it. The reporter is really not reconciled. Seeing that the girl is about to leave, she opened her mouth and said sadly: "Didn't you delete all the photos? Why did you take my memory card away? I don't know how to use the memory card." Restore the photos, there are still things I need to use, can you..."

Who knew that the girl turned her head at this time, and glanced at him inexplicably: "No."

The reporter's face flushed immediately: "You..."

He was so angry that the people in front of him were bullying others, bullying ordinary people like him with no background.

His expression became distorted and humiliated, as if he had been greatly wronged.

The girl seemed to see what he was thinking, and snorted, her eyes were cold, but she seemed to hide a prairie fire: "You can hit an unrelated child, and because someone else took your memory card Just feel wronged here. If you are really wronged, just be wronged!"

The young reporter was so embarrassed and embarrassing that she punctured his previous little thoughts. He forgot to control his facial expressions for a while, and he couldn't put on the angry and unwilling look of ordinary people who were bullied.

The other reporters didn't want to touch him and stayed away from him.

After coming and going, a small circle became empty around him, and he stood there alone like a clown.

"Sister Qiao, where have you been?"

Just as Qiao Nian went back with the memory card, she happened to meet Ye Wangchuan and his party who came out after greeting Wen Ruxia.

Seeing that she seemed to be coming back from the reporter, Qin Si asked curiously.

Qiao Nian calmly put the memory card in his hand into his pocket, and didn't mention the reporter who took the sneak shot in front of the little guy, just said: "I saw an acquaintance, I went over to chat for a few words."

"Do you still have acquaintances here?" Qin Si looked around at the row of reporters who hadn't left yet, and only felt that one of them seemed particularly conspicuous.

He didn't think much about it, he just wondered how Qiao Nian knew these reporters.

Only Ye Wangchuan, after handing the little guy a candy, glanced at the group of reporters squatting outside the hotel, did not say anything, his eyes went cold.

"Let's go back first." He diverted Qin Si's attention at the right time and asked Qin Si to drive.

Qin Si took the car keys, turned around and called Zhang Yang to get the car together.

Zhang Yang originally played with him, so of course he went with him without saying a word.

With two people walking by, the surroundings became much quieter.

Qiao Nian remembered at this moment, turned around and asked Ye Wangchuan: "By the way, where will Chenchen go next?"

(End of this chapter)

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