Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3414 Sister Nian: Just an ordinary grandpa

Only then did Old Man Ye get out of the uncomfortable mood: "Huh?"

Ye Qichen never spent the night outside because of the reasons he experienced when he was a child.

Because I don't feel safe and I don't like unfamiliar environments.

This time it was fresh.

"He's playing games with Niannian." Ye Wangchuan said with a smile, and the indescribable spring breeze was blowing on his face, inexplicably warm.

The last bit of discomfort in Mr. Ye's heart disappeared, and he couldn't help but happily said: "Alright, I'll ask someone to pick him up tomorrow morning."


Qiao Nian plugged the game console into the projector in the bedroom, handed one of the controllers to the little guy, and sat down beside him cross-legged, holding the remaining game controller in his hand, operating the foreign language game that popped up on the screen .

"I'll play a game with you first."

"it is good."

"After this game is over, I will watch from the side, and you will play it again by yourself."

This game is a mecha type, and it also involves various mecha assembly and user manuals, which has long gone beyond the scope of a simple game.

Qiao Nian has always been proficient in playing games.

She took Ye Qichen and taught him how to pass the level.

Level after level.

Ye Qichen was also a little nervous and distracted from the very beginning, and then he was completely immersed in it later, and he became more and more proficient in the operation.

Qiao Nian led him into the last level, changed equipment to deal with the last big boss, put the handle on his lap, put his hands behind his head, and said in a playful tone: "It's your turn. This time, you have to do it yourself again." Once, see if you can pass the level."

Ye Qichen is such an old boy, and he likes this kind of mech games. At this moment, his eyes are shining brightly, and he assures her with a flushed face: "Sister, I can definitely do it!"

Qiao Nian didn't wear a peaked cap when she came back. She had a beautiful face that was eye-catching, her eyes were unrestrained, and her expression was unruly. She reached out and rubbed the top of the little guy's head, and casually raised the corners of her mouth: "I'm here to watch you."

Ye Qichen seemed to be encouraged, he hummed, and immediately plunged into it, trying to show Qiao Nian the mecha assembly knowledge he had just learned.

Watching other people play games is an extremely boring thing, but Qiao Nian kept his promise and stayed by the side to watch Ye Qichen play silently.

Check your phone occasionally.

Or when you see a little guy encountering a difficult level, remind him from time to time.

Ye Qichen is undoubtedly a talented person. This game is originally an entry-level weapon game, and only those who know a little bit can play it.

Otherwise, just the setting of needing to combine weapons by yourself can dissuade 99% of players.

Apart from Ye Qichen's stumbles at the beginning, Qiao Nian found that he had a good memory, and he could already figure out the assembly methods that he used to play with him just now to assemble the weapons he had.

Sometimes he can draw inferences from one instance and combine one or two simple weapons that she didn't bring him to play with.

Qiao Nian couldn't help squinting her eyes, looked at the little guy who was concentrating on playing beside her, then looked at the little guy Ye Qichen was operating on the screen, paused, and suddenly said, "Chenchen, I'll find you another How about a teacher?"

"Huh?" Ye Qichen was very focused on playing, if someone else talked to him, he might not even bother.

But this person is Qiao Nian.

He still struggled to get out of the game, and looked at Qiao Nian with big obsidian eyes: "Sister, what teacher?"

Qiao Nian really liked his pretty and well-behaved appearance, so he reached out and rubbed his hair, thinking about it, "Just an ordinary grandpa."

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