Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3419 You said it was a rumor, it must be fake

Chapter 3419 You said it was a rumor, it must be fake

Ji Lingfeng looked at the woman with red eyes in front of him, looked at the fine lines at the corners of her eyes, turned his eyes away slightly, moved his mouth, and there was only one sentence: "I'm sorry."

Xie Yun felt a wave of anger rushing straight to Tianling Gai from the soles of her feet, wishing to have a big fight with him.

But when he saw Shen Ke's pale face, the anger was blocked in his chest and could not be vented for a long time.

She tensed her back, turned around and said coldly: "Even if I agree with you, the elders of the Ji family are not so easy to deal with. They won't agree with your idea!"

"Also... You didn't ask Nian Nian about this matter, so you made your own decision."

"You think that giving Ji's family to her is the only thing you can do for her, and it's also your way to make up for her. But you have to make it clear that you are not her! She has her own ideas. You can make decisions for her like this. Not a good uncle's approach."

The members of the Ji family have always been domineering.

She knew what kind of person Ji Lingfeng was.

Ji Lingfeng did it for Nian Nian's good, but does Nian Nian really want Ji's family?
She didn't say that for Ji Nan, but she mentioned it to Ji Lingfeng from the perspective of an elder, hoping that he would think it over carefully.

"Back then, in order to prevent the people of the hidden family from discovering her strength, you did not hesitate to fall out with her and not let her recognize her ancestors and return to the clan. The two sides became enemies."

"Now you have decided to hand over Ji's family to her and let her take over your position. You have never asked her opinion from the beginning to the end...I don't think she will like your approach. "

Xie Yun didn't bother to say that to the two of them, so she let out a foul breath and still didn't turn her head, saying, "I won't contradict you in front of those people. But I hope you will think about what I told you for yourself!"

After Xie Yun finished speaking, she didn't want to stay here to find anger, so she turned around and opened the door without looking back.

Ji Lingfeng was left alone behind the huge desk thinking silently.

Inside the Juyi Hall.

The elders that Ji Lingfeng called this time, including the people at the entrances of the halls, were all present.

The Juyi Hall itself can accommodate 200 people, and it is also full at the moment. Everyone gathers with familiar people to chat or ask what they are going to do today.

However, neither the main elders of Ji's family nor the people in the hall did not know what Ji Lingfeng asked them to do today.

It was at this time that Xie Yun walked into Juyi Hall.

As soon as she came in, she naturally attracted all the way's attention.

The Second Elder and Fourth Elder were quite familiar with her, so they went over to greet her: "Ma'am, you are here too."

"Yeah." Xie Yun walked inside.

The second elder couldn't hold his breath, so he asked her first, "Have you just gone to see the patriarch? Is the patriarch okay? There are rumors about him... he is in good health, so I'm a little worried."

When he was talking, he was always paying attention to the changes on Xie Yun's face, as long as there was a little bit, he could guess something!

However, there was no fluctuation on Xie Yun's face, as if she didn't care about what he said.

"When did the second elder believe in those rumors outside?" She glanced at the shrewd old man in front of her with a half-smile, and said coldly: "There are still few rumors about our Ji family outside, which time it was not made up, this time also the same."

The second elder laughed at what she said, touched the bridge of his nose, and couldn't answer for a while: "I also listened too much. Since you said it's all right, then I can rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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