Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3439 Sister Nian is a knife-mouthed tofu heart

Chapter 3439 Sister Nian is a knife-mouthed tofu heart

She was about to leave with a sullen face.

Xie Yun, He Lin, and Ji Nan didn't expect that they would make such a fuss in just a few words.

For a while, I didn't know how to ease the tense atmosphere between the two.

Qiao Nian walked to the door, stopped suddenly, did not look back, her back was straight, her tone was still cold and hard, not warm.

"You know that going to M state will be dangerous, why do you still go?"

Ji Lingfeng thought she would leave without looking back, just like many times before, but he didn't want to hear girls asking him questions.

He was silent for a while, after all, he didn't want to add the grievances of the previous generation to her, and let her bear things that she shouldn't bear at this age.

"...It has nothing to do with you."

"it is good."

The girl still didn't turn her head back. This time, she took big strides without turning her head. Her back quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing that Qiao Nian was gone, He Lin couldn't help but said to the man: "Patriarch, why did you lie to Miss Qiao? You obviously..."

"Okay!" Ji Lingfeng interrupted him, and said tiredly: "I'm tired, help me back."

This time Qiao Nian let the elders and hall master go, he had to think of other ways to get these people to compromise and accept, and he didn't know if his body could last until then.

Ji Nan took the first step, silently helped him up, held his arm, and said calmly: "Dad, I'll take you back to your room."

Ji Lingfeng saw his mature side face, and then remembered what He Lin said before, he stopped everyone outside the hall by himself...

After all, he didn't say anything, and let him help him to leave here.

Xie Yun looked at the backs of the two father and son drifting away, her eyes were touched, she turned her head to He Lin and said, "You said that he would rather give his son the only lifeboat when he was in the Black Sea, why didn't he ask Ji Nan again this time?" Opinions are strong to make decisions.”

In fact, Xie Yun knew very well that Ji Nan didn't want Ji's family, as long as Ji Lingfeng opened his mouth to talk to Ji Nan, it would be a matter of one or two sentences.

However, both father and son are like gourds with their mouths sawn off, twisting each other more than the other, neither of them willing to speak their minds.

He Lin looked at Ji Lingfeng's disappearing back, and didn't know how to answer her, so he whispered: "Madam, are you not angry?"

Xie Yun smiled and didn't speak.

Is she angry?

Of course angry!
She was so angry that Ji Lingfeng didn't put Ji Nan first, but the rest was fine, after all, because Qiao Nian saved her own sister back then, she really loved Qiao Nian.

Besides, what did it have to do with Qiao Nian this time? It was all caused by my family, and I didn't ask him about it beforehand.


Qiao Nian walked out of the old house and was looking at her phone all the way. When she reached the door, she followed her heart and called from the address book.

It rang a few times and then picked up.

"Hey, how is it? Have you asked who that person is?"

Qiao Nian narrowed his eyes slightly, darkened, and muttered: "Old Zhong, can you do me a favor?"

Zhong Liuliu was taken aback by her, and said angrily: "The relationship between the two of us, if you have anything to tell me directly. If I can help, can I help you?"

Qiao Nian didn't polite to him again: "I would like to trouble you to come to Independent Island, and trouble to bring those medicines you mentioned to regulate your body."

Zhong Liuliu is not stupid, and immediately heard the clue from her words: "So that person is really... Emperor Ji?"

Qiao Nian looked up and saw Ye Fanchuan, Qin Si and others waiting for her outside, and Mo Dong was also instructing to clean up the scene.

She paused slightly and slowed down: "En."

"It's him."

(End of this chapter)

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