Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3446 I have transferred people away

Chapter 3446 I have transferred people away

But there was always a place in his heart beating suddenly, and he couldn't explain why, he always felt that the timing of the Second Elder's visit this time was too ingenious.

Just in time for the change at the pier.

Just as he was about to go in, he received information that there seemed to be something wrong at the pier, and the shipment they were focusing on this time was about to arrive at the port.

He Lin wanted to follow up with Ji Lingfeng in person.

After all, at this critical period, if something goes wrong with that batch of goods, the situation of the patriarch will probably become more and more difficult...

He Lin was hesitant to wait for half an hour, when someone came to find him.

"He Zhu, you are here."

That man was an old man who had been under his command for seven or eight years. When He Lin saw him, his first reaction was to frown, and said coldly, "Why did you come here?"

The man didn't look him in the eyes, lowered his head and said in a panic, "It's the warehouse, the warehouse is on fire."

"The warehouse is on fire?" He Lin questioned, but acted faster than his mind, urging him: "Lead the way!"

There are a lot of things in the warehouse of Ji's old house. In addition to gifts from various forces every year, there are also some valuable collections.

There was a sudden fire this time, so he had to go and have a look.

He Lin didn't notice that from the moment he walked ahead to go to the warehouse, the person who came to look for him showed a relieved expression.

Then he pressed the send button on the edited message in his pocket.

The message was impressively - [I have transferred the person away. 】

When He Lin rushed to the warehouse, there was indeed a big fire in the warehouse. The flames rolled up to a height of half a meter, as if to swallow everything in the warehouse.

He had no choice but to organize people to put out the fire non-stop.

Probably due to bad luck.

Several fire extinguishers outside the warehouse were broken, so that there was no way to control the fire in the first place.

After they collected water and went to other places to get fire extinguishers, the fire burned for three hours.

Three hours passed, and He Lin finally put out the fire, and had to spend time counting the damage in the warehouse.

Once coming and going, he was staggered, as if he had forgotten the small change on the pier that he was going to report to Ji Lingfeng.

It was getting dark outside.

September is a typical rainy season in Independence Island, which is surrounded by territorial waters. The light rain that started this morning finally stopped at dusk.

It probably rained for two days in a row. After the rain stopped, orange evening clouds appeared in the sky, like the setting sun, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Qin Si said with emotion that this cloud is quite beautiful.

I heard a low-alcohol voice from a big guy next to me: "It's not bad, it's suitable for dyeing red."

Qin Si turned his head and met Ye Fanchuan's slightly cold eyes, and he understood what kind of red he meant by 'red'.

He put his hand on his forehead and said in a low voice: "Wang Ye, you are so confident. Those two parties have planned for today for a long time, we may not be able to..."

He meant that it might not be possible to kill all the people here.

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows, and interrupted him: "She has cut off the communication equipment in this area, and it will be over when those people step in."

"Well, those people are carrying walkie-talkies specially customized by the hacker alliance, so they can always be used." The reason why Qin Si knew so clearly was because he heard Mo Dong's report: "The walkie-talkie requires a signal. not tall."

(End of this chapter)

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